Accidents Happen (Levi)

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I walk by Seth's side, trying to mimic his broad chested walk. Even though he was the smartest, most biggest geek I know, his body sure did look the opposite. It's deceptively attractive. The way his shoulders are broad and his narrow and tiresome expression is.

"Leon, are you sure you're up for this? You seem off." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me with his worried glare again. He traised his hand down y shoulder and to my hand, holding it tight. He smiled reassuringly and patted it. I will never let anything happen to you, brother. You will be by my side the whole time. I am here to protect you, in battle and out. No matter what, I am here." He nuzzled my cheek and pressed his forehead against my own.

"I believe you Seth. I trust you."

"Then lets go save some people." He then trusted himself into the air and high above the treeline, looking down at me with a big smile. "C'mon Leon, we can do this together. Use your powers at your best."

"I don't think I'm sure I can fully control myself when my power comes. I can't always control it." I look up and slowly rise up into the air, some sticks and leaves following below me.

"Then don't control it. You must not be afraid of your own power Leon. Remember what dad taught you." Seth then started to flight higher and higher, I following not far behind. I looked ahead and saw the massive black clouds that swirled and warped within the sky, bright blue lightning skittering across the sky. The energy was dark and powerful. I began to feel it, the static feeling sending chills through my body. "Seth, are you sure about this? How are we going to stop this thing, I have never seen anything like it!" I slow down and hover above the treeline, reaching the barrier that separated us from the mortal world.

Seth lowered down and looked forth, mesmerized by the massive scale of the dark black energy that slithered with no pattern through the city's streets. "I am sure we can capture it within this this box. I am sure of it. I want to know where it came from..."

"I thought you said it would destroy it, Seth."

"I did say that, and I did not lie. It will be destroyed indeed but the energy trapped within the cube will be in my control. I can use it to power far more than just my laboratory."

"I swear if this goes wrong I am going to kill you. Something about this energy feels negative. "



I grabbed Seth's arm and shook my head. "This is crazy..."

"Leon... This is our only chance to show them that we are capable of more. I am so tired of being trapped here. If we want to do good in the world what are we doing hiding from it? I am going to fight for some change, you should too for once." Seth thrusted his power and flew straight for the massive cloud of electrical energy, holding his guns tight as he roared aloud. He then swung his arms outwards and a massive wave of energy rippled through the air, causing the massive energy cloud to split in two. The people below scattered and ran for shelter as the glass from the buildings slammed into the streets below.

"They are worth fighting for..." I thought to myself, biting down on my lip as I pass through the barrier and enter the mortal world for the first time in over 100 years. I inhale and then immediately head for the city, gathering energy at my fists.

"Seth, I'm here!" I lower down onto the street as the sky swirls with black clouds above. The streets were silent, the wind blew gently as papers and leaves tumbled across the streets. It felt oddly silent. Too silent. I then clutched the hilt of my gun that dangled on my belt and felt my power rush into it, powering it right up. The symbols began to glow so I knew that it was going to use some energy. I pointed left, then right, looking both ways on the street. I heard a loud noise from behind and immediately shot in that direction, Seth dodging the lightning bolt.

"Woah there, Leon, control your fear. I don't think this is just a rampaging energy cloud. It's hiding. I think someone... or something is doing this." After he said those strange words, it then materialized into a hazy dragonoid. It stood tall, eyes darker than the darkest blue. It locked eyes with me, smiling grimly. It flicked it's hand and Seth was thrown with one thrust of it's power.

"I see you've fallen for the trap, young Malac. Let me in again..." The dark figure spoke with a masculine deep voice. It was clearly male.

"I will never." I responded, pointing my gun straight at it's chest. I then pulled thr trigger and out came a lightning bold. It was as if time slowed at that moment, the dark figure then dodged the bold and forced his hand forth, throwing me high across the street and into another building.

"Seth, where are you?" I yelled at the top of my lungs as the dark creature began to fade into the massive cloud it once was. I then jumped from the building and slammed into the street, tossing cars and debris out of my way with my telekinetic power, looking for Seth.

"I'm here, come! We can still beat it!" He tossed me the cube and gestured to the button on the top. I then looked at it, then up at the demonic creature. It then came to me in a flashback that this familiarity that I feel was no coincidence.

It was in fact a demonic creature. it wasn't even Yarren. It was from another dimension, world. The cube would definitely not destroy or contain it. "Seth, I think we have to use our powers instead. This... thing. It's from another world. If we use our powers, I think we can weaken it!"

As I turned around to thrust forth my power, the demonic creature then appeared in front of me, putting his finger on my forehead, connecting our minds. I saw all of the blood, the terror the creature had brought upon it's world. It intends on doing the same here.

"Now you know your future."

It smiled menacingly, it's jagged teeth ugly and black. It's eyes were hollow with dark blue hue splilling from them. It was as if it were a living corpse, bone and loose skin. I then clenched my fist, the creature then beginning to yell in agony. I grabbed hold of it's energy source. It's core is it's center of energy that takes power from all around it. I then smiled, but it soon faded as the energy began to latch itself to my hand. I pulled back but it dragged me in, the black energy began to swirl around me, my body naturally absorbing all it could. My body felt hot and my mind felt clouded, my powers suddenly amplified, a ripple of energy bursting from my body, forcing the glass from all the building around me to shatter. After that, the energy then faded away, the energy swirling within my body. It disappeared as fast as it happened, I fell to my knees slowly, blacking out instantly.

Seth ran over and caught me before I could hit the ground, the black energy snaking beneath my skin. I then coughed and opened my eyes slowly, looking at Seth who appeared to be looking down at me, mouthing words I could not make of.

"Leon? Leon, are you okay? What just happened? Where did it do?" He lifted me up and looked left then right, seeing people starting to emerge from the buildings. I could feel his grip tighten as his heartbeat increased. I knew he was afraid. I then woke up with a gasp and smiled.

"Did we kill it?" I asked quietly, looking past him at the buildings.

"Yeah... You killed it... You saved these mortals." Seth smiled big, though I knew it was a fake. I saw it in his eyes. The fear, the confusion. "You okay? You literally absorbed the all of that dark energy..."

"Yeah... I'm fine... Let's go home. I think I need to rest." My vision then began to blur and I coughed, slowly closing my eyes as I fell drowsy.

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