Awakening (Levi)

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"I'm sorry!" I quickly rose out of bed, hands in the air as I look around, soon locking eyes with Rin who bit down on his nails. He was upset and he was definitely not going to tell me why. My heart was pounding in my chest and my eyes watered as I got out of bed and ran over to him, holding him tight.

"W-What the hell are you-" Rin looked down at me confused and nervous, arms up in the air as if he were avoiding my hug. "Doing..." he then lowered his arms and slithered them around my slim body. I could feel his strong body heat warm my face. It was all I could think of doing. Something is happening to me and I don't know why. It's like everything I've worked hard to achieve has been thrown back to square one. I can hardly control my powers. My mind powers are even stronger. My senses are amplified and I am more than aware of my surroundings. Something is happening to me.

It feels good...

"Leon, I hate to break it to ya... but you're ill. There is something wrong with the energy within your body. It's powerful. Seth brought us back the readings and tests he had done on you and was shocked with the outcomes. The readings are literally way off the charts. You literally have the power to-" Conah then stepped in and that's when Rin quickly stopped talking. He was afraid now.

"W-What does all of this mean? What are you saying?" I stepped back and ran my hands through my hair, my heart racing as the energy within my body started to come forth. I could feel it pulse through my chest, and up my arms and into my hands. "What exactly is inside me, father... If i should even call you that." I then looked over at Conah, the energy then beginning to pulse faster, my body growing intensely hot. I knew that something was wrong. I knew that they were holding back more secrets. The walls began to shake as the lights flickered. "What exactly am I, Conah?"

"You have known us your entire lifetime, Leon, you have no right to question us. We are your family and you are our child. You know that. I am trying to protect you, now let me help you." Conah stepped forth and reached his hand out. My power was then released and everything in my bedroom suddenly rose to the ceiling, my long ears floating as well as my hair. I could feel the power within me slither through my body, pulsate in my head and through my palms. Conah and Rin backed away slowly and held their hands up, looking at me with shock.

"Leon, please, believe me. You are more than this. I want to help you but you have to stay calm." Conah huffed heavily and stepped forth slowly.

"What was I? Before all of this? Who was I?" Everything in my room fell to the floor, causing the house to shake. I stepped forth and looked up at Conah, sighing softly as the floor beneath me began to ice over. "I know you are hiding something from me. I keep having these flashbacks, something from a past life as a child. I was a mortal. I had a hard life. You kept me away when I was one of them." I then punched into the wall, causing the ceiling to crack. Ice began to spike from the wall and Conah and Rin quickly ran out into the hallway.

"Leon, you need to settle down. You are not thinking straight..." Rin spoke firmly and used his telekinetic power to attempt shoving me back into my room. I didn't budge. He tried even harder, my own power resisting his push. I gradually began sliding back, my claws digging into the floor. He grit his teeth and growled as he pushed his hands forth and roared aloud, causing a ripple of power to force me back. I then flicked my finger and he flew across the hall and into the wall, causing the air to grow thick with dust.. "I'm thinking clearer than ever. It's coming all starting to make sense now..." I then stomped my foot and thrusted my hand forth, a slab of ice slamming into Conah as he threw his hands up and the ice shot into the ceiling.

"You do not wish to fight me, Leon. I will not fight you, my son." Conah began to walk towards me, the flame in his eyes beginning to quite literally glow, the thick black energy that pulses within me leaving my body in wispy strands.

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