Hostage (In progress)

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"So you mean to tell me there's a soul within your own? How is that possible? It must be crowded inside that mind of yours." Seth scratched his head as he looked over at Crest who was rubbing the hair on his chin. He was ruminating about any possible way to deescalate the situation.

"If there's any way to free that trapped soul within you, trust me, this is the place. This building was built so long ago. It was used by what many believe were the gods. There's many scrolls here that tell of spiritual rituals unknown in today's society. Maybe one can help you set the spirit free. It honestly disturbs me to know a broken spirit lives inside you trapped and unable to move on to the next life." Crest looked down and sighed as he rested his hand on Levi's thigh. He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly.

"When you absorbed that dark energy, it must have awakened that lost soul inside of you. It's starting to make sense now. Since then, your Tendril has gotten worse. It seems to have turned black in some places and when you use your powers for too long... The darkness takes over. I'm not even sure there's a way to get whatever's inside of you out. It can have so many dangerous consequences." Seth added, his tail swaying side to side as he scrolled through many articles on his phone. "There's gotta be something online about this shit."

"Even if we find a way to get Malic to pass on, we still have to find a way to take this... Thing out of me. I doubt it'll end with me still alive. It's growing stronger. I can feel it. It's like it's becoming a part of me. Every time I use my powers, I can feel it slithering through my skin, causing me to lose control. All I know is that the dark energy inside me only wants a body to posses so that it can wreak havoc. It can't do anything on it's own other than absorb the energy around it. I remember feeling the planet's electromagnetic field reacting to the intrusion. It was feeding off of the city's power supply. Then again I wouldn't be in this mess if Seth didn't lie to me in the first place." Levi crossed his arms and rose his eyebrow with sass. He knew that Seth meant well but it was a total shit move in his behalf. He but his brother in danger without thinking of the outcome. For all he knew, Levi could of instantly died once his body absorbed the energy.

"So you're the one who got Levi into all this mess? I'm honestly not even surprised. You're completely reckless A danger to yourself and the people around you. Let's not mention the power you're hiding from us." Crest scoffed and shook his head as he crossed his arms. He licked his teeth and tapped his foot on the floor.

"Hey, you have no right to talk to me like that when you almost got both Levi and yourself killed by Elijah. Not to mention the fact that he saved your ass by severing your ties with him. He happens to be your ex now. Officially." Seth growled as he smiled cockily. Crest knew that he was right so he looked off to the side, angrily mumbling to himself.

"You two really know how to stress me out." Levi grunted, smacking Crest across the head with his tail as he walked off.

"I didn't even do- Never mind." He groaned.

"Haha! Dumbfuck." Seth chuckled aloud as he smiled big. He watched Crest get up and out of no were, he thrust's his hands forward. The ripple of power caused him to fall over and slide across the floor.

"You're an immature pathetic excuse of a Yarren..." Crest grunted as he walked for the door.

"Take that back you overrated trash of a general!" Seth grabbed Crest's ankle, causing him to fall forward.

"When you two are done, meet me downstairs. We've got scrolls to look through." Levi rolled his eyes as he turned his back, Crest being dragged out of sight as they started fighting.

"L-LEVIATHAN! You can't leave me here with this idiot!" Crest whimpered as Seth pulled his hair, slamming him to the floor. He kicked and squirmed aggressively. "My Gods you're sucha baby!"

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