Severment of ties

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The sun gradually began to seep through the windows and light up the wall. The birds chirped and the wind blew through the tall trees, causing the still forest to come alive. There was a slight fog that spilled over the ground. Seth sat on a rock and slowly waved his hands side to side, causing the fog to swirl and rise into the air.

"Why is he so complicated?" Seth jumped off the rock and swung his hands, causing the fog to split and reveal the ground. He forced his hand left, causing the ground crack as pillars of rock rose from the ground. He stomped his right foot and a slab of rock shot into the air right in front of him. He grunted and flexed his mind, the rock slamming right into a tree. "I'm so confused."

"Seth are you alright?" Finnick jumped over the shrubs, walking over to the rock he sat at moments ago. "It's been several weeks since we've talked. You aren't eating and I haven't even gotten a message from you. I'm starting to worry." He added, reaching for Seth's arm as he stood and faced the opposite direction.

"Things are just getting overwhelming. I can't really explain what I'm feeling right now. I'm fine though." Seth groaned and pulled away from Finnick's grasp, making his way back to the camp.

"Is it something I did?" Finnick's ears drooped as he began to follow Seth. His eyes watered but he kept his stance and held back. "I just hope you aren't shutting me out."

"This isn't about you. It's about Leviathan. He's been acting different. I can't explain it." Seth started walking faster, shoving people out of the way as he stomped into the building. He clenched his fist and turned to meet face to face with Finnick. "Look, I'm sorry I've been such a pain but you have done nothing wrong. I promise." He leaned in and kissed him deeply, pulling him into a tight hug. His cheeks grew flustered once he slowly pulled back to look into his partner's sapphire eyes.

"T-Thank you for assuring me. I was beginning to think I was the problem." Finnick added, slowly licking his lips as his eyes shifted from Seth's chest to his neck. "Just promise you won't get too lost in your thoughts. I'm always here." He continued, pulling Seth close to him as he kissed and bit down in his muscular neck.

"Mmmh- N-not while we're exposed." His cheeks began to grow red as he quickly pulled away. That's when Levi walked down the stairs with Crest, holding his hand.

"So are they an official couple?" Finnick tilted his head, looking over at Seth who growled and watched intently. "You alright?"

"Why do I suddenly feel the need to rip that leader of yours to shreds?" Seth crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"Calm down. You need to accept what is. They are clearly perfect for each other. I think I saw Crest smile. I'm not sure I've ever actually see him smile before." Finnick pulled him into a hug and grabbed his jaw, forcing his attention away from them. "You have me. I promise, you're not alone."

"Thank you, Finnick..." Seth's eyes watered as he held on tight to his slim figure. Levi slowly turned to look at them as they embraced one another, he watched as he held onto Crest's arm.

"I'm going to go introduce myself to Seth's friend. Let's go." Levi pulled Crest over to Seth who quickly let go of Finnick.

"H-Hey, Levi. What's up?"

"Is this your friend I smelled on you?" Levi crossed his arms.

"Yeah... This is Finnick. I met him a while ago." Seth pulled him close.

Finnick lowered his head as his antenna flashed, smiling big. "It's very much a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"Why haven't we met sooner? This must explain why Seth has been acting so odd. You two had sex? You must be special." Levi gave a cocky smile, showing his teeth.

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