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- Dan -
The authorities had put me in a holding cell as soon as I'd handed over the file. I protested, trying to get them to understand the urgency. What was her own father doing stalking her? That never ended well.

"You've got to listen to me!" I yelled out. "The file has everything you need. You have to hurry! Try his house, try the nearest warehouse, anything!" I felt stupid and desperate again. I groaned and slid down against the wall, tucking my arms over my head.

I could practically feel her. She needed help—fast.

I heard nothing for another day, the detectives rounding up their forces and planning out a search. I was about to try an escape by the end of the second day, but some officers approached me quietly. They wordlessly unlocked the cell and motioned for me to come out. I steeled myself and stared them down, keeping a few feet between us.

"We've collected some new information. You need to come with us." They cuffed me again and started leading me toward the doors.

I groaned and tried digging my heels into the floor. "Wait—Is it good news? What did you find? Is she okay?" They didn't answer me, throwing me outside and turning me over to another pair of officers, who shoved me into a cruiser and drove off. We pulled into the county jail once again and I almost deflated.

My time was up. I'd done everything. They didn't need me anymore. That either meant she was going to be rescued, or... she was already out of time. I shuddered at the thought. No, we've done well. There's no reason she shouldn't be able to get out.

I spaced out through the re-entry process and came-to being shaken by Will in the commonroom. "Hey! Hey, Dan!" he was saying. He slapped my cheek and I startled. "Hey, how's it going?"

I glared at his grin. "How's it going? I don't know I haven't been told anything!"

"That's okay," he chuckled. "I found out some guy came forward, claiming he found her in some dingy basement in a field somewhere. They've got her." He grinned and yanked me up.

I stood, dumbstruck. "T-They got her? It's over?" I let out a long breath and ran a hand through my hair. "Wow..." I couldn't believe it. It was so close to being over. I would go to trial, get my sentence, and figure out what to do with myself from there. And Cassie would be safe.

"Well..." Will suddenly shifted. "They don't have her yet... They have a possible location, though. And they're heading out to raid it soon." He folded his arms and grinned at me. "Hopefully that bastard hasn't moved her, right?"

I groaned. "Yeah, of course. Thanks, Will. I-I gotta go. See you... later, I guess." I waved him off and started running toward the other end. He stopped me, though.

"Yeah, you'll see me. But listen, Dan, come on. Leave it to them. Don't mess yourself up any worse, okay? She wouldn't want that," he told me quietly.

I took his hand off my shoulder and leaned to one side. "What are you in for, anyways?" I asked curiously.

Will shrugged and looked away. "Eh, just some crazy stunts, you know. Thought I was invincible." He laughed quietly. "I should be tried within a few months. Probably be put away for, I don't know, a couple years? Doesn't matter to me."

I blinked. "What, don't you have something to go back to?"

"Nah," he tossed his head and shifted again. "I'm on my own. But you don't need to worry about me. Go fix up your life, okay? And hers. Don't ruin hers."

I slowly turned around and jogged to the doors, trying to shake off the feeling he'd left me with. The curious, weighted feeling. I shook myself and pounded on the door, ignoring the looks I received. "Hey!" I shouted. "I need to talk to someone!"

A few annoyed officer approached me. "Quiet down, would you?"

"No!" I yelled at them. "You have to listen to me. I need—!"

"Hey," I heard a shout from behind the officers and a highly decorated man, who I assumed was the captain, pushed through. "Yeah, you're the one they told me about. The troublemaker who insists being part of everything, eh?" He laughed and I crossed my arms. "Well, come on, then. I suppose you've heard the news, haven't you?" I jumped and he grinned coldly.

He nodded to the officers, who fumbled for the keys and opened the door, leading me out roughly. I braced myself for handcuffs, but the chief just jerked his head to the side and started walking. I followed him, trying to think of what to say. "So... She's...?"

He nodded, staring ahead. "We're just about ready to stage the rescue and you're coming with us. But know," he said sternly, throwing a sharp glance my way, "this does not excuse you. You're simply here to be kept track of and so you don't go causing trouble. Got it?"

I nodded, steeling myself once again. I understood. We would rescue her, and I would be sent on my way.

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