Ch 1. Grand Entrance

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Warning: Long introduction ahead ;)

Clack clack clack

Quick, steady footsteps clicked on the polished marble floor, each step taken with a certain air of purpose. Blonde hair slicked back revealing a majestic forehead and the navy blue coat tails swished in the wind. The magnificence of the building really emphasized his dignified elegance while his-

Okay, maybe I am going a little overboard there with the introductions but can one blame me? For the beauty and magnificence of that perfect entrance could only be described with such eloquent words. Let's continue.

The perfectly tailored clothes or those shiny polished shoes may not be the only thing that stood out. It was that complacent smile stretched across his soft plump lips. He knows, he's a little charmer alright? And the way he purposefully walks at such a fast pace so that his tailcoats actually fluttered as if caught in the wind, he just loves his grand entrances.

Often he would catch sight of a girl or two swooning over him and he wouldn't hesitate to send a cheeky wink their way, turning them to a blushing mess.

Not to mention the aura of confidence. He walked like he owned the place and from the way his co-workers greeted him with respectful bows and greetings, one would think that he actually owned the place, but no. He didn't own the world-renowned Hotel, Grand Regalia, rather, he was the manager of the hotel. He prided on his job. I mean I would be, especially if I was one of the highest-paid hotel managers in the country.

He lifted a hand and pushing his designer shades down he looked down at his expensive platinum watch and the time shown as 6:30. He smiled. Time to head home.

His gracefully small but cute fingers slid into his coat pockets and revealed a remote key, which he pointed in the direction of a sleek, dark red Aston Martin which lit up with a proud blink of its headlights.

Whistling a slow tune to some music, he slid inside his car and turned on the engine, his eyes raking over the posh parking lot of his hotel. Everything about the hotel shined and sparkled and he let out a smug, satisfied, low-pitched whistle. 

He pressed down on the gas pedal and the red car zoomed out of the parking lot to join the flow of traffic. The roads were getting busier by the time as the sun slowly dipped down into the horizon. One by one the building lights were coming up signaling the wake of nightlife in the city. Everything looked peaceful as the evening breeze gradually began to turn chilly and the sky dimmed the orangish glow slowly fading out to an inevitable ebony black.

He looked up just in time to see the signal turn red and he slowed the car to stop. Tapping a finger on the wheel as a k-pop song blared in his system, he watched the people as they went about their businesses. Observing people was always one of his hobbies, especially since he worked in the service industry. 

The light was about to turn green when a grandma crossing the intersection had the misfortune of a ripped grocery bag. All of her carefully picked fresh tomatoes rolled onto the ground and the poor lady panicked as she bent down and picked up her groceries. The light had turned green.

He threw open the door and rushed to her side. Picking up a stray tomato that had come rolling his way, he ran up to the old lady, helping her pick up the tomatoes one by one. Impatient horns blared behind his car but he didn't care.

Slowly he led the old lady across the street as she showered him with frantic but grateful Thank yous which he only waved away. "It's alright, halmoni. It was just an accident."

"Oh, you are such a kind young man. May God bless you a thousandfold!"

He bowed his head to her blessings and he excused himself ready to run back to his car parked in the middle of his road when the grandma called out, "What's your name, child?"

He turned back quickly with a bright smile,

"It's Park Jimin."

The grandma waved to him as he ran up to his car and he waved back through his window before he took off.

A figure stood on the rooftops, her checkered shirt tied to her waist flowing in the wind along with her long straight tresses, as she watched the exchange that took place a few hundred feet below. A small amused smile stretched across her lips and she whispered into the wind.



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A/n: Did I just write a whole long chapter just to introduce Jimin? 

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A/n: Did I just write a whole long chapter just to introduce Jimin? 

Yes, I did.

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