Ch.25 Guns, aim, fire!

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Haemin's seat was suddenly kicked from behind, throwing him forward and he pressed his feet down on the brake pedal abruptly. The force of inertia threw him on top of the steering wheel. Spitting out another agitated curse, he yelled, "What the f*** is going on there?!" He turned around just in time to see the sole of a well-polished shoe striking out towards him before it kicked him in the face. "OWW!"

Wooyoung had jumped in surprise as the unconscious man who was lying in the seat had suddenly punched him in his face out of nowhere, kicked at the driver's seat causing the car to screech to a stop, throwing them all forward and kicked their leader Hamein in the face. Kangsoo was the first to recover as he raised his hands ready to pounce on Jimin and he grabbed Kangsoo by the hair and smashed his head against the window causing the old door to burst open, shattering the glass to pieces. Jimin took advantage of the moment of confusion to race out of the car and into the open. They were traveling through some sort of hidden fields and he didn't have a single clue as to where he was.

Get away. I need to get away.

He panted as he ran out into the plains. All he knew was that he should keep running. 

When the guy, Kangsoo, had struck him in the face, Jimin hadn't actually fainted. He was merely pretending to be so that his kidnappers would relax and loosen their hold on him and he laid there in wait, looking for the opportunity.

So far his plan had worked out, now all that he needed to do was get away. Jimin ran, his legs pressing into the ground, pushing him forward. The dry hot breeze blew against him, his long blonde hair blowing up in the air as the cries of his pursuers rang out through the place. "Stop right there you rat!"

Not a stinking chance!

Jimin pushed forward into the plains heaving in the hot air as the sweat dripped down from the sides of his cheeks. He let a small smile of victory slip as the cries of his pursuers got farther and farther away. Yes, yes, yes! His legs were paining from the lack of oxygen intake and he was losing his speed. No Jimin, keep running! He urged and encouraged himself as he ran, looking back to see how far he was from them.

That was a mistake. Before he could register what he saw, it had happened. There was a shot.


A sudden plain exploded in his abdomen and he fell to the ground clutching his stomach. He was wrong. They were not unarmed. They had a gun. It shouldn't have surprised him. They were all part of a ruthless mafia group after all.

Mortified, he looked down at his abdomen to find the crimson red of his blood staining his shirt and his hand. "No..." He gasped out in pain as it spread through his whole body and all the remaining strength he had, drained away from the pain.

No... he gasped I can't...

Give up. He couldn't give up. 

He pressed his palms against the ground to get up, to run away but he fell right back. His ears rang as his vision blurred and the metaphoric black ants crawled over them. It was certainly not like how they showed in the movies. Once you are shot, you are done for. The pain made it unable to do anything. He couldn't run. He couldn't move. He couldn't even breathe.

Jimin looked to the back. The distant silhouettes of his pursuers leisurely inched closer as they were now sure that he wouldn't run off again. Jimin couldn't see, rather he felt the malice in their smiles.

Was this how it was going to end? After all, he had been through?

He didn't even know the reason...

Was there even one?


Another resounding shot broke the silence and he squeezed his eyes shut waiting for the pain. It never came. Or maybe he couldn't feel it. His whole body was screaming in agony.

He was proved wrong as a second later the man who held the gun, Haemin, suddenly collapsed to the ground. Jimin furrowed his brows as he forced through the pain to see what was happening. There was another bang. Then there was another. And another.
One by one the men dropped dead to the ground. Or alive. He couldn't tell.

A blurry silhouette of a woman stood at the back.

All his consciousness was focused on the hazy silhouette who held the gun. Lowering the weapon she walked forward to him. Jimin couldn't see who she was, all he could tell was that she was wearing black and she had long hair, really long hair that reached past her waist that flew up in the wind. Who was she?

The intensity of the pain was numbing his brain, and his vision lost its power as each second passed. The woman crouched down to him and he felt the cold touch of a hand graze his cheeks.


A voice said.

He didn't know what it was. He felt as if he was forgetting something. He felt as if he knew who she was, it was at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't tell. Jimin pushed through his hazy vision once again. He had to see her. Something in him told him that he should.

His fingers grasped the material off her black jacket and tightened to a fist as he pulled her down and willed himself to see her. But he couldn't.

The darkness took over and his hand fell to the side. His eyes closed shut. The world went dark.

A/n: How much do y'all hate me for this? 👀

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A/n: How much do y'all hate me for this? 👀

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