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It wasn't a feeling she wasn't familiar with, but a strong feeling nevertheless. Something that felt like the cold tendrils of darkness squeezing the air out of her lungs. Gripping her heart down and twisting her stomach into painful knots. Slowly eating away at what's left. Hope.

Feelings had powers though.

It depends on how strong you feel it, and maybe...

Maybe that's what led her to him.

Anger. Fury. Rage.

Definitely, that's what brought her slender fingers down to her gun as it curled around its cold metal. That's what blanked out the reasoning in her head. And that's what brought forth her arm and made her pull the trigger. It felt as if the time had slowed down as each shot rang out in the air.





Each man who had dared be there near him dropped to the ground, one by one. Dead or alive. She didn't care.

For at that moment, she was desperate. Desperate to know if he was alright. Desperate to know if she had reached there in time.

Desperately hoped... that she hadn't failed. Once again.

Each step towards the frail form on the ground was heavy, reluctant yet quick and the gentle breeze blew up her long hair.

And when she had finally reached him and knelt down to the ground, her heart skipped a beat. He was weak. So weak.


Her voice was barely a whisper. But it sent a flicker of recognition across his face. Pale, trembling fingers clutched her jacket and he pulled her down to his face, eyes straining against the pain to see her.

But he couldn't.

His fingers slipped and fell to the sides and his eyes slowly closed shut.

Jimin's blood stained her fingers.


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