Ch.27 Back in Business

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"Target spotted."

Jimin spoke loud enough to get the information through to his earpiece to the person at the other end as he stared at the elderly man at the subway station subtly watching him through his sunglasses and the figure who lurked behind a nearby phone booth.

"Wait, it's coming," The low but evident voice of Psychic spoke into his ears and Jimin smiled. 

It had been a month and a half since he had gotten shot. He was now almost fully recovered, but Psychic didn't know that there was still some injury to heal. He had deliberately hidden the information from her. How could he not?

After telling him to focus on his recovery Psychic had almost completely disappeared from his life for a month. No replies, no text messages, nothing. He had almost believed that she had left him. Again.

All the while, Seokjin was by his side constantly nursing him back to his full health as he daily tried his best to make Jimin tell him what had happened that day. He never let anything slip much to his elder brother's disappointment and Seokjin would give a scathing scowl every time Jimin refused to tell him. Seokjin never gave up, however. That must be another one of their familial traits.

After a whole month of waiting in vain for a reply from her, Jimin had decided that he would have to take some extreme measures. So he did something that he was sure would catch her attention.

Jimin had to admit, walking into the middle of the road when the signal lights were green and the traffic was high was absolutely terrifying.

The drivers beeped their honks and yelled at him and some people were even kind enough to roll down their windows and offer a few creative curses. Jimin ran and dodged the vehicles somehow and made it to the other end of the road.

What he received in return was the most unexpected thing ever. A phone call. From Psychic.

Well, I don't even know how to describe what he felt. Because it's something you can not explain. It was something you can only feel.

When he had answered the phone all he got in return was silence. Dead silence. Born chilling silence. 

So he made an infuriating comment that was sure to draw a response from her, "I knew this would work. You care for me, don't you?"

Silence again. Jimin could practically feel her glare from his phone. Then there was a sigh. A sigh that just screamed 'Disappointed, but I'm certainly not surprised.' from the other end of the phone. Jimin clutched the phone closer to his ear, his heart racing in anticipation. And he heard her voice again.

"Do that again Park Jimin and I'll end you myself."

Oh boy, the steel in her voice was something else. She had completely meant what she said. Jimin's heart did a flip. A victorious smile stretched across his plump lips as he murmured his reply, "Then you shouldn't have tried to leave me."

Another long silence followed. A silence that seemed longer than ever. Something that felt like infinity. Finally, she murmured back a reply in annoyance, "You're crazy."

"And you're just as crazy as me." Jimin chuckled.

Ever since that night, they were back at their old business. Catching thieves. Rescuing unsuspecting civilians from disasters. Avoiding the Crimson members. Moving out of Seokjin's house to somewhere they couldn't find him. Ah, not to mention helping out old grandmas.

Since he had already heard her voice they had decided to communicate through the phone and it proved to be much effective when they were on their missions. Jimin especially loved the missions since he got to hear her voice again. He had developed a deep affinity towards it.

Psychic's voice crackled through the earpiece. "Our target is going to make a move in...




"Ahjussi!" Jimin called out as he walked towards the elderly man at the subway station with his signature smile. The surprised man turned towards him as Jimin looked towards the phone booth where the figure lurked. With a smirk, he bent down to the old man and whispered something into his ears. He jerked back surprised as he listened to what Jimin was saying. Then he took the black case he was carrying with him and clutched it tighter to his chest as he looked around panicked. Jimin walked away from the old man with a smug smile as he purposefully made his way towards the phone booth. The young man who hid by the booth looked away as if he was just merely minding his own business the whole time. Jimin swept a hand through his blonde hair as he passed by the young man, "Better luck next time."

He walked out of the station whistling a triumphant tune as the voice in his ears spoke. "You don't ever get tired of that, do you?"

He grinned cheekily at her comment as he shot back a question, "Why are we not reporting him again?"

"Because...," Psychic began imitating her voice to that of an elementary school teacher as she explained, "Not all thieves are who they are because they are bad. The guy was desperate for money but he had good intentions. He made a bad choice. And we are giving him a second chance to think back on his choices. You just had to ruin the vibe with that line."

"Hey, hey," Jimin protested, "If the guy is good at heart, he will think back on his decision and make the right choice, no matter what."

"You're stupid," Was the retort he got and Jimin chuckled at her comeback.

"Anyways, Congratulations. You just completed your 50th assignment successfully. You deserve a reward." Psychic informed him in her monotone voice.

"Wow, a reward? That's unexpected..."

"Go to the bus stop I just sent you. I have a surprise for you." Beep.

A surprise? That was so unlike Psychic. Jimin wasn't too keen to know what her surprise was because he knew her better than anyone. It ought to bring trouble. His phone vibrated against his palm as he received the location of the bus stop.

An hour later, he was walking towards a familiar bus stop with a confused crease on his forehead. When he reached the stop he saw a figure sitting on one of the seats, looking through her phone and his breath hitched as he realized who it was.

I tried to make it as romantic as possible
So that u guys could meet again at the exact spot you parted ways

Good luck!

Princess logged off

Jimin looked back at the figure who sat by the seat. He was right. Her surprises were always trouble. The girl who sat at the bus stop looked up and as her chocolate brown eyes fell on Jimin a brilliant smile spread over her features.

"Park Jimin-ssi!"

Jimin tentatively smiled back.

"H-hey, Ji Hara."

A/n: Hehehe *Evil Laughter*

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A/n: Hehehe *Evil Laughter*

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