Ch.4 Psychic

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Park Jimin knew who Psychic was.

Or at least as much as anyone would know and that wasn't saying much. All that he knew about Psychic was that he was a superhero. That's what all the newspapers claimed him to be and that Psychic helped people and had exposed a number of criminals. A quick web search would tell him that Psychic had been at his job for nearly two years now. Some of the juicier articles even went as far as to say he was a supernatural entity. An alien maybe?

Not going to lie, that was funny.

Some other articles discussed the actual existence of supernatural powers because according to the experts, the way Psychic moved almost seemed too well-planned and organized, almost as if he could predict the future. Hence the name Psychic.

Never in a million years did Park Jimin think that he would receive a text from the very same Psychic. To say that he was surprised would be the grossest understatement in history.

Jimin was intrigued. Very highly so.

He was quite curious. Why did he do what he did? And how? It was heroic and amazing really. Not many people would go out of their way to help someone else at this age.

A superhero. He was quite aptly named. He didn't care if they had superpowers or not. Just the mere fact that he was willing to help a poor soul out conveyed enough. He was a legend.

Perhaps it might have been the gradually increasing admiration for Psychic. Or maybe it was because of the fact that he now owed someone his life, Park Jimin felt that he needed to know him. But how can he?

He was sure millions of people already tried to unveil the mask of the anonymous superhero. The fact that the identity of this person wasn't already flying around the internet, said enough. It was impossible.

But then the word itself said, I'm possible.

He smiled. He would find out who it was. 


Jimin had always thought he was quite lucky. But not that lucky. Because there was no other explanation for what was happening right now as he stared wide-eyed at his phone.

Avoid going to that subway shop today.
You're being watched.


Of course, the text box did not last long. Before Jimin could even move a finger the text had vanished and all that was left was empty space. How did they do that?

Jimin wondered in amazement. It was the second time he was receiving a message from Psychic and it seemed as if luck was entirely on his side. Even if the text had vanished, he had a plan. A smile made his way into his lips. He was going to do this.

So that very afternoon, he made his way to the Subway he normally went to without heeding Psychic's warning. The best decision ever, I know.

Was he crazy? He probably was but what mattered to him the most was getting a chance to talk to a Psychic. Even if it was just to say a simple thank you. Jimin wasn't entirely crazy though. He had pretty good grades in his Sociology and behavioral science classes. He had been working in the service industry for quite some time. Observing people was his pastime. Park Jimin knew people. Or at least he knew enough to predict a person's actions. He wasn't who he was for nothing.

He had a plan brewing in his cauldron. A well-thought-out plan.

He could see the subway right ahead. Only a few more steps forward and he would reach it.

1... 2... 3...

He counted the number of steps as he held his phone in his hands. His heart raced with excitement and fear. A manic smile tugged on his lips.

7... 8... 9...

One more step and Jimin would reach the glass door.

... 10

Jimin brought up his hands, fingers slowly trembling with excitement to the Subway door. Slowly, but surely he grasped the cold metal handle. He heaved in a deep breath and closed his eyes in preparation.


Jimin's eyes shot open and he paused. Sure enough, just as he had expected, there was another text.

You don't want to do that.
You'll get shot.



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