Ch.12 I don't deserve it

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They are going to kill me? Who were 'they'? And why? Jimin sure didn't stick around to find out. He had watched enough thriller movies to know that. Without wasting any second, he grabbed his essentials and quietly made his way out the back door.

He was just making his way out the back gate when he saw it. Dark figures, sneaking through the trees, making their way into his home. One of them held a gun and the other, a long black plastic bag. He didn't even want to think about the purpose of the bag. All he wanted was to get out of there, quick. And there was a sound of glass breaking.

He ran.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jimin pounded on the doors of the familiar old building as he looked around to see if he was followed. Thankfully, he wasn't. A moment later, the handsome face of a tall, broad-shouldered man came into view when the door creaked open, his hair disheveled and his eyes heavy from sleep as he looked back surprised. Then the familiar smug smile lit upon his face. The smugness in their smiles seemed to be a familial trait. While Jimin's was feline with a hint of mischief, his brother's was outright cocky.

"What's my brother dearest doing out here so late?"

Kim Seokjin asked as he pulled the door wide open to let his brother in, but when his eyes fell on the younger's distressed expression, he straightened up as he shut the door behind him.

"What's wrong Jimin?"

"Jin Hyung, I- I think someone's trying to kill me."

There was a definite pause. Seokjin stood frozen at the center of the room. Silence. Then there was a disappointed sigh.

"That. Was. So. Lame. Jimin. I did not raise you to be such a disappointment! I ought to disown you just for that lame joke, it's not even funn-"

"Jin Hyung!" Jimin whined, "I'm serious!"

"Like hell, you are serious Jimin. You are never serious. I should know that better than anyone."

He shot back and as Jimin walked up to the old rickety sofa in his living room, exasperatedly and slumped down on it.
"Well, then fine! Don't believe me. Can I just stay here for a couple of days?"

"Aww, did you miss me?" Seokjin cooed, " You should have just said so from the beginning instead of making up some random crazy excuse, Jimin. Of course, you can stay here." Seokjin said as he walked into his kitchen trying to see if there was anything in there he could make for his unexpected guest oblivious to the scathing scowl the said guest sent his way.

"You must have been quite lonely, living in that huge apartment of yours all alone. Of course, you must have been scared. I still remember that day when you were five and you got so scared at night that you peed on your bed-"

"Jin Hyung!" Jimin cried, "Why do you have to bring that up now? I was five!"

Deep, bubbly laughter sounded from the kitchen as Jimin grumbled from the sofa annoyed. "Fine, Jimin, fine. But I was just saying, if you wanted to see me, you could have just said so." Jin said, from the kitchen as he placed the water on the coffee maker. There was no point in trying to argue with his brother. Jimin lied down on the sofa folding his hands over his chest, miffed when he remembered about her.

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