Ch 28. Will you go out with me?

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"This-this is such a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?" 

Hara exclaimed as she got up from her seat and Jimin reluctantly walked inside the stop. 

So this was her surprise? What was that girl thinking? He clearly told her how he felt about Hara. And what was with that 'Good luck' anyway?

"I-I was here to meet someone. Uhh.. how have you been?" Jimin asked, trying to be polite with a small smile.

"Just fine, just fine... ah, I just got a new job. I'm no longer driving the Women's taxi!" Hara gushed as she informed him of her new achievement and Jimin couldn't help the proud smile that lit upon his face. Who is to say that this girl was not a child? She is still one at heart. He stuck out his hands, "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you." 

She shook his hand surprised and he did not fail to notice the faint pink that infused her cheeks. "Oh-uh, really? You are proud of me?"

Jimin nodded his head in confirmation, "Of course, kiddo."

That made her smile vanish as the legendary puppy eyes made an appearance as her cheeks puffed up in annoyance and lips pulled out in a pout. "You're still calling me a kiddo?"

"Oh, sorry, young lady." he apologized, feeling a little awkward.

"Young lady, huh?" She was muttering to herself disappointedly, her head lowered and the pout still in place. Jimin felt as if he did something wrong. Feeling a little guilty he asked, "A-are you okay? What's wrong?"

Hara turned towards him with a glare. Not one that was scary, but one that looked more like a glare a cute baby would give you. She puffed out a determined exhale and walked up to Jimin who involuntarily took a step back at her sudden movement eyes enlarging in surprise. "Park Jimin-ssi."

She called and the determination in her tone was giving him a bad feeling about what was about to happen. He gulped down nervously as he squeaked, "Y-yes?"

He knew what was coming before it even came.

"Will you go out with me?"




"I'msorryImustdecline!" Jimin cried out, suddenly. Hara's brows shot up. "Why?"

"Y-you've only seen me once before," Jimin exclaimed a little embarrassed at the random outburst. That was probably hurtful. 

Hara crossed her arms defiantly. "So?"

"Y-you don't even know who I am." Jimin tried to explain, but his voice was shaking from the pressure. Hara took another step forward, her determined pout still in place. "So?"

"I-I..." Jimin knew he had no choice. There was no point in telling her pathetic excuses. He had to tell her the real reason. She was watching him intensely with her large brown eyes and Jimin could tell that she was a little hurt from his sudden rejection. A pang of guilt shot through his heart. He sighed.

"Hara," He looked towards the young girl, "Listen to me, hmm? I'm...sorry."

She must have sensed something in his tone as she hung her head down. Slowly, she took a step back, as she mumbled a soft, "Why?"

"I... like someone else," Jimin replied. It felt strange having to say that out loud. There was a certain finality to saying something out loud.

"Oh," Hara looked back to him, "Who is it?"

That was something even he didn't know. How was he supposed to tell her then? "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Hara was saying sadly as she hung her head down again.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll tell you." Jimin said as he took a seat down and Hara did the same.

"She's someone I know." He began.

"Tell me about her."

"Well... she's snarky... annoying, dumb, paranoid, Ms. act tough...." he trailed off with a small smile.

"That's interesting."

"It is. But do you know what's even more interesting? I don't even know who she really is. Never actually seen her before, but it's funny. I just miss her all the time."

Jimin fumbled with his watch as he continued, "All I know is her age. Maybe I won't even meet her again. But I hope I will someday." He smiled, "I still want to hold on to that hope."

There was a long pause as Hara wordlessly stared back at him, and then she heaved an exhale. "So it's true." She began.

"You really have a big fat crush on me, don't you? Sidekick." 


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A/n: ... yes. hehehe

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