Ch 2.Unknown Sender

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Park Jimin certainly didn't see what was coming for him until it reached him. In the form of a text message.

Jimin was in his high spirits as he danced to the music, wiping the kitchen counter onto which he had spilled his Chamomile tea that morning, waving his tiny waist around to the beat of I can't stop me that blared from his stereos.

Don't even get me started on how he spilled the tea. He was just doing his morning routine enactment of a Chamomile advertisement. It was quite a sight. That morning he had walked up to the counter bobbing his head to the music and slowly, his two little fingers had curled around the cup handle. He had then lifted the cup up and inhaled the sweet delicious aroma of the fresh, sweet tea. A small contented smile stretched across his rosy lips and his eyes drifted shut as he savored its smell. Nice.

If I hadn't known any better I would have thought that he was shooting a commercial. He had then brought the cup to his lips in slow-motion making sure to exaggerate the movement so as to emphasize his divine features and he had leisurely a taken a soft sip when-

"Thrrrruuupp! Oww! Hot! Hot!"

So yeah... that happened.

And so there he was wiping down the counter, his feet tapping on the floor as the k-pop song blared in his system. His head bobbed wildly to the song, soft fluffy bangs bouncing back and forth at the moment when a small ding sounded from his phone. Curious, he slid his fingers across its surface unlocking the device as an unknown number popped up to greet him. Jimin frowned. It wasn't a number he was familiar with. He clicked on the notification.

You might want to avoid the 4th intersection today.
Take another route.

Who is this?

Unknown logged off.

What the-

Was it some kind of prank? Obviously, it looked like one. If it was a prank, it was most probably from Jin Hyung. Jin Hyung, otherwise known as Kim Seokjin, was his step-brother. Though they were step-siblings they were closer to each other than blood brothers. But even the alleged Worldwide funny guy, that was his brother, wouldn't send him something so lame.

The next suspect would be Kim Taehyung, his best friend. Jimin instantly shook his head at the thought. Taehyung wouldn't even dream of it. He was too uptight and professional for that. Then who was it?

The 4th intersection was the fastest route to the Grand Regalia. So it was obviously from someone who knew he took that route everyday. Jimin sighed as he deleted the chat and blocked the number. Whoever it was, their prank was an utter miserable failure. They would have to try better than that to trick the Park Jimin. He smirked. The poor thing at least tried. He had to acknowledge that.

A few hours later he was driving down the streets of the Capital city bustling with activity as the sun was now slowly making its way to the peak and its glare reflected off the glass panes of huge skyscrapers lined at the sides. 

Seoul was indeed an interesting place. Tapping a finger on the steering to the same Kpop song he had running in the car, Jimin made his way to his work at the Grand Regalia Hotel. The hotel itself was one of the biggest attractions of the city and it was all thanks to the brilliant architectural design that blended both royal archaic elements of the Renaissance and modern geometrical designs fused together to create a spectacular masterpiece. Grand Regalia had been, ever since the beginning of its launch, the most sought-out tourist attractions of Seoul and to think that he was the manager of it all was truly awe-inducing. 

Jimin's attention wasn't entirely on the road, however, he had traveled down the street enough times to know the way by heart and to the point where he could steer his car without even having to put in conscious effort. But suddenly, his left foot came down onto the brakes and his flashy red car screeched to a halt in the middle of the road.

He slowly turned his head around to the right. There was the 4th intersection, the route he took to the Hotel every day. He had decided that the text message was just a prank, but then why was he hesitating.

Why does it feel like something's wrong?


Angry car horns snapped him out of his thoughts. Park Jimin exhaled as he gazed back at the intersection one last time. Well, it doesn't hurt to run the extra mile.

He pushed down on the accelerator and the car rolled forward.

He pushed down on the accelerator and the car rolled forward

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A/n: Oooh, Jimin is a once.

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