Ch.31 Creep from the club

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"It's been a whole month. Where is he, Jungkook?" Machiavellian hissed, making the younger man who sat by the computer flinch.

"I don't know Hyung. He moved out of there and his number changed. I really don't know where to look anymore." Jungkook reported.

"Why? And how does he know? It's almost as if he knows what's happening." Machiavellian trailed off with a frown. Jungkook shook his head eagerly at that. "I think there's a third party involved. You see, " Jungkook turned the monitor towards Machiavellian where a CCTV footage of Jimin's penthouse was playing, "His Baby Nayeon is gone and the one who took it wasn't him."

"Baby Nayeon?"

Jungkook grinned sheepishly, "That's supposed to be his car's name."

Machiavellian rolled his eyes at the comment and he looked towards the window. "Must be some thief."

Jungkook shook his head, "I don't think so. They had the keys to the car." He turned the monitor back as his eyes drifted towards Machiavellian, "Hyung," Jungkook looked him in the eyes, "I think someone's helping him."



As soon as the word had left his mouth the front door burst open. "SURPRISE MOTH[BEEP]ERS!"

A dark boot came into view, raised half-way in the air as if the said person had kicked open the door. A girl dressed in a baggy black jacket and shorts jumped in a huge devilish grin plastered on her face.

"What the hell do you think you are doin-" Machiavellian yelled but he froze when a familiar man crossed over the threshold and came into view. Park Jimin.

"Now, there, there. You didn't have to kick the poor man's door down." Jimin was saying as he eyed the imposters who had dared use his name, staring at him, their jaws hanging open. Hara nodded her head, "Personally, I would have preferred a smoke grenade but this should do."

She remarked stepping over the wreckage that was the door and he rolled his eyes. What could he say? She was the same as him. They just loved their grand entrances.

Machiavellian turned towards Jungkook. There was no point in talking anymore. They had been caught. "Well, JK. This is your area of expertise." Machiavellian said and the girl's eyes lit up at the mention of the name.

"JK? So you are that amateur hacker?"

Jungkook shot up from his chair with a growl, his fists clenching and his strong muscles rippling under his skin, "What did you call me? Amateur?"

Psychic grinned like a maniac as she rotated her neck, cracking her knuckles once again. "WelI I believe I did. Whatcha gon' do about it, amateur?"

That did it. The next thing they know Jungkook was pouncing on Hara who spun around and raised her legs for a roundhouse kick which Jungkook effortlessly blocked and he went for a jab which she dodged effectively cackling like a witch in one of those Disney movies. Machiavellian watched the duo fight, surprise written all over his face when he felt an arm sling over his shoulders.

"So you are the creep who hit on her at the club, huh?" A low raspy voice murmured into his ear and Machiavellian turned to Jimin with a scoff, "And if I am?"

An amused grin took over his features, "I heard you got slapped. Are you okay?"

Machiavellian scowled at the man as he snickered, "You know, I can't really complain. It's because of that she got to see where you were and catch you. Maybe I ought to thank you for that." Jimin winked as Machiavellian shoved his arm away from his shoulders with a glower.

"So... you know what you should do. Surrender yourself to Jung Hoseok. We don't need to have any of that?" Jimin said pointing towards the ongoing fight between Hara and Jungkook.

That earned him another scoff from Machiavellian. "You think you can scare me? With a girl?"

"A girl who is very well whooping your so-called expert's a*s." Jimin smirked as he turned his attention back to the fight, "Ow! Bullseye. That must leave a nasty scar."

Machiavellian looked back to the fight and sure enough, there was a huge bruise on Jungkook's face with a small wound, blood dripping from it. Within a matter of seconds, Jungkook was on the ground with his hand pulled back in an arm lock and Hara was smiling with triumph.

" J-jungkook?" Machiavellian stuttered, surprised that someone had beaten Jungkook at a fight, something that I assure you, is rare.

Jungkook looked towards his Hyung, abashed and humiliated. "Hyung! She played dirty! She has no integrity! That's one of the five tenets of Taekwondo! She tricked me! She's a cheater!"

Psychic rolled her eyes a bored expression on her face, "Yeah, yeah, that's what all the losers say."

"SO, what do you think? Would you rather be tortured by Jung Hoseok or you want her?" Jimin offered, smiling his feline smile at the cornered prey of his, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he watched him squirm under his gaze. "It's your pick."

Machiavellian looked towards his partner on the ground squirming in the girl's hold and then he looked back at Jimin. He sighed.

The answer was obvious.

A/n: In case you didn't understand what Jimin meant, it is because Machiavellian approached Psychic at a club (Remember the club scene? ;) )that Psychic could see his future and thus find out where he was

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A/n: In case you didn't understand what Jimin meant, it is because Machiavellian approached Psychic at a club (Remember the club scene? ;) )that Psychic could see his future and thus find out where he was. And she got the vision of his future when Jimin was complaining about her lack of competence.

I suck at explaining things in my plot. Either that or I don't trust my writing enough. Anyways one more Chapter left and it is...


The Grand Exit!

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