Chapter 22

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(Unknown POV)

"Hmmm..." A deeper voice hummed. He stroked the younger boy's head. The boy made a happy sound. "I do think we can wait until she gives birth to those half breeds. We could use them as leverage, or simply kill them."


(Lucy POV)

It was finally the day. 

Natsu and I were relaxing in the living room. I've been feeling awful lately. I finally have stopped the terrible mood swings, but now carrying two almost full-term babies around 24/7 has put me in a constant bad mood. Natsu has tried multiple times tonight to reach over and place his hand on my stomach, which used to comfort me, but now it makes me so irritable I slap his hand away. And then I get more upset when I see the disappointed look in his eyes. I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I'm the one pregnant and I don't want anyone touching me right now.

"Natsu I'm-" I was cut short when I felt my stomach drop. It made me jump and Natsu snapped his head over in concern. "Are you okay Luce? What's wrong? Do you need help to the bathroom? Are the babies kicking?" He asked in a flurry of panic. 

"It's just the babies mov-" I felt a slight drip go down my leg. "Did I just pee myself? Again?" That thought was quickly cut off by intense pain in my abdomen. "Ow ow ow okay okay don't freak out Natsu" I hunched over and breathed out. It was too late, I could hear Natsu freaking out and hovering over me, not touching me because he knew I didn't want to be earlier. "I think my water broke."

Natsu froze in front of me, which his hands reached out, about to cup my face. The wave of pain slowly passed and I looked up. Natsu was as green as he is when he's motion sick. I snapped my fingers in his face. "Oi, Natsu? You still there?" 

He shook out of his shocked state. The color in his face came back, and then he screamed. "OH MY GOD, THE BABIES ARE COMING! HAPPY WAKE UP! I GOTTA GRAB THE BABY BAG!" He then rushed into the bedroom where we kept the repacked labor bag. Happy startled as he woke up and sat up from the back couch cushions.

"Lushee... what's wrong?" Happy mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Oh you know, nothing too unusual. I just went into labor." I casually stood up and walked to my closet for a change of pants. Happy turned white on the couch in shock.

Natsu ran back into the room, the pink bag swung over his shoulder. I just finished putting the new pair of sweatpants on when a blur of pink rushed over to Happy, scooped him up, and then darted over to me to place a hand on my lower back. 

"Okay okay, deep breaths we have everything everything will be fine there's no need to panic.." Natsu was mumbling to himself, probably in an attempt to comfort me. He's so sweet.

"Let's do this!" I gave Natsu a large smile, slightly grimacing at the next wave coming in. He nodded and scooped me up into a bridal carry. On our way to the guild hall to finally meet our two babies!

[Book 2] Întunecos Moon ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now