Chapter 15

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"Lu-chan.... do you think you two used protection?" Levy-chan whispered in a shocked state.

I froze for a second then paled too. "Yeah... yeah I think we did..." I trailed off. Levy-chan gasped loudly.

"What if you didn't? Mira predicted that there would be a new member when we came back and she's never wrong about this stuff." Levy-chan whispered to me.

(Natsu POV) After fighting Ice Pants, I noticed Lucy whispering to Levy. It wouldn't be something to worry about if I could hear them, which I normally could.

"Oi Gajeel, can you hear what Luce and Levy are talking about?" I asked the metal head sitting on the table next to me.

He looked over at them and saw Levy go pale. He frowned. "I can't. That's weird." He said gruffly and started to clean out his ears.

"It's probably nothing..." I whispered to myself. They both got up and Luce dragged her out the doors.

"Where's Lushee going?" Happy asked, eating a fish.

"I don't know... let's go find out!" I picked up happy and ran out. I couldn't find them anywhere in town so I snuck to her apartment, when I heard her voice and Levys talking.

"I can't do it! Levy-chan you read it!" Luce yelled with a panicky voice. I slowly climbed up to her window and peaked inside. They were both sitting on the couch with their backs turned to me.

"Lu-chan, I love you but I'm not touching a stick you peed on nor am I going to read it for you. You gotta to it yourself." Levy said with a stern voice. Peed on a stick? What?

I could hear Luce gulp as she looked down in her lap. She froze and then gasped.

(Lucy POV)
I looked down and gasped


I slowly looked up at Levy-chan with wide eyes. She hurriedly took the test from me and froze.

"I'm pregnant..." I whispered, still staring at the hand where the test was at before Levy-chan took it from me.

"Oh mY GOD! THIS IS GREAT! I'M AN AUNT!" Levy screamed and jumped around.

"Pregnant?!" I heard a soft voice from behind me. I'd know that voice anywhere. I stood up and turned my head so fast my neck cracked.

I saw the pink hair hide away, but he was still there. Levy caught on and yelled angrily "Natsu! Come out and talk to Lu-chan!" and dragged him inside through the window. "I'm gonna leave you two to talk! I won't tell anyone so don't worry! Bye bye!" Levy-chan changed back into excited and ran out my door.

"You're... your pregnant?" Natsu asked slowly, after processing what Levy-chan did.

I nodded, too scared to speak. What if he gets mad? What if he doesn't want the child? No way in hell am I getting rid of this child.

"THAT'S AMAZING!" Natsu screamed and picked me up bridal style, spinning me around. All my worries faded and I laughed.

"I'M GOING TO HAVE A SIBLING!" Happy screamed and flew around excited.

"You're not mad?" I asked when he stopped spinning me.

"Mad?! Of course not! I'm having a kid with the women I love more than anything in this world! I'm ecstatic!" Natsu yelled and hugged me close.

"Babies are a lot of work Natsu, we have a lot to plan." My voice was muffled by his shoulder.

"I don't care. I'm going to raise this child with you and love it as much as I love you." Natsu said with his hand on my stomach.

"I love you too." I said with a teary voice.

[Book 2] Întunecos Moon ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now