Chapter 7

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(Lucy POV) Natsu fists engulfed in flames as he attacked the shadows. This magic brings back bad memories for him that I don't really want to mention, so he's going beserk.

I placed my hand on my colar bone and chanted "Come forth, Sword of Light that protects the realms" My hand grabbed the hilt of Luminos Sun and I pulled it from my chest.

(3rd Person POV) "That's Luminos Sun!" A villager yelled.

"The holy sword that went crazy a year ago?" Another villager asked.

"Impossible. Only the heir of the dragons could use that sword!" Kyle yelled in denial.

While Natsu was punching and kicking all the shadows away, Lucy stabbed the sword into the ground. "Time Dragon Slaying, FREEZE" All the shadows froze in their spots.

Lucy held the sword up once more, pointing the tip to all the soilders. "Holy White Dragons Lazer" A white beam shot out of it and destroyed the rest of them.

"This won't be the last you see of me, Lucy Heartfilia." Ryners voice boomed over them again then faded from their ears completely.

"Oi Luce, that's not fair! I didn't get to take hardly any of them!" Natsu pouted and he walked over to me. His wings stretched up and they disspeared, as did his scales. "Huh, guess it wore off" He said like an oblivious idiot, looking behind him.

"He's a....a..." Kara said terrified as the sheild was taken down. Everyone ran out and surrounded them with horrified faces.

"He had wings! Blood red wings! He's a demon!" Gale yelled in fear with crazed eyes pointing at Natsu.

(Natsu POV) "Demon? I'm a Dragon Slayer, not a demon." I said with a confused face. Have these people not seen dragons before? I don't sense any magic from this place anyways.

"Don't even bother, Natsu." Lucy said returning that sword into her tattoo. "This Clan worships the sun god and doesn't use any magic. The only magic that was used around here was Luminos Sun, which now belongs to me." Luce explained with a blank expression.

"Oh. Well that's lame. Let's go back to Fairy Tail. I need to beat up Ice Princess for earlier." I said with a smile. She sighed then smiled back, but her eyes were different. They weren't happy, but sad.

"Lucy..." A woman with orange hair said we tears in her eyes. She was the one that was terrified of my wings. I don't see why, they were awesome.

"Don't talk to her Kara, she's scummed to a demon." A man who looks a lot like the woman said, taking her shoulders and letting her cry in his shoulders.

"Let's go Natsu..." Lucy said with her bangs covering her eyes. Seeing her sad made me grow my wings back. Maybe strong emotions cause them to appear.

A blue magic circle appeared under her and she floated in the air. I followed her and we flew back to Magnolia.

[Book 2] Întunecos Moon ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now