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I decided to look at the pictures and start my investigation.

Y/N: " So he's either got a stupid tattoo on his face of a water drop and a star, or its make-up"

"Ahahah-either way, it looks ridiculous."
"But, it'll help to track him down easier."
"And by the looks of it, he's got red hair, and oh dear, that jaw line"
Focus, focus. This is a criminal after all.

After doing lots of digging and making phone calls, Y/N had a plan.

So if tactic A doesn't work, I'll go with tactic B and so on.

Y/N got dolled up, work a satin black dress. That dress hugged all the right places. Every curve was magnified with that dress.

Y/N: "It's like this dress was made for me"
"I feel gorgeous, yet sexy at the same time"
"I'll hit the bar, just to relax a bit before I hit the main event and take down this criminal"
"After all, today is my birthday"


Y/N walked into the bar, already turning heads. I know I look great but I didn't think I'd cause this much attention.

Y/N: "I'll take a pineapple screwdriver"

"I can be your screwdriver, just say the word sweetheart" I heard a man's voice behind me as I ordered my drink.

The man takes a seat next to me. I didn't turn because I wanted to give this man no attention.

The bartender approached me: "may I see your identification miss"

Y/N: "Here you go"

Bartender: "Thank you."
"Oh you're 21. AND it's your birthday today" "Happy birthday miss L/N"

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