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Seonghwa pov

The teacher said that we can go home early today but I didn't instead I spend my 3 hours in the library studying with Minho,San and Dino.

"Ok,but why do I always got the wrong answer?" San questioned.

"What did you get?" Minho trying to peek at San answer. "78?Dude,that's way too far from the real answer.Are you dumb?"

"Aww come on!It's math!It's the hardest subject in this world!"

"Eyy man.It's not hard..."

"Huh?But your calculation is wrong tho" another sweet voice said.I know that voice belong to who,and I'm sure its belong to Sana.

Guess what?Its really her with her two friend who I guess was Chaeyoung and Tzuyu which is Dino classmates.

I nodded at her when she look at me while delivering that sweet smile of her.

"W-what??" San end up bursting laughing at Minho who is all red,embarassed because of his own work.Yeah,I guess he overconfidence of himself.

Time pass by and we already walking along the corridor but suddenly I feel like forget something.That's when I realized I left my umbrella in the class.

So,I just go back and told the others to go first since it might take long journey to the class.

The moment I open the door to my class,I see someone sleeping.Hands folds on the table while his head burried on his arm.The blueberry hair...of course its must be the Kim.Who else have that blueberry hair in this school.

But why is he here?Yesterday,he went to this class too but left once he sees me and went to gym store instead,maybe he just like spending his time alone...I guess I can conclude it like that.

Jeez,I guess the thunder getting louder and the rain getting heavier.I guess I have to go home quickly or else I'm not gonna make it.

At the moment a lighting came follow by the thunder I swear I heard Kim whimper and flinch.Or did I see it wrong?

"Hey,are you afraid of-

I didn't even get to finish my sentence as another thunder came.

And again he flinch.His whole body trembling.I just watch him there wheather I have to comfort him or leave him be....

Whatever,I'll just comfort him.

"Kim-" the moment I touch his back he immediately throw his body against me which caused me to lose balance and fall.Thanks goodness that the wall support my back or else,I end up breaking my head.

I look down as I watch his tiny hand gripping tightly on my shirt while head burried on my chest.

Uh...this is awkward...I don't know Kim is so afraid of this thunder...well lets just comfort him first...So I did bring my hand on his back patting him while others hand hug his waist.

I don't know how long we been into this position until we feel asleep.That's until I realized there's no one in my arm.So he left already?...

That's all for today.Don't forget to vote and comment on this story.I really really appreciate it if you do!And to all the loyal readers,I'm really thankful that you enjoy this story!
Bye for now!

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