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Early in the morning, Hongjoong carefully sneak out from Seonghwa room. Didn't wanna get out, aren't we? He slowly got up from bed but suddenly a pair of strong arm wrap on his waist pushing him back on the bed. He completely was shocked and before he could do something, he already pinned by two hand on his side. Seonghwa was on top of him.

"Not so fast,Kim."

Hongjoong froze. Shit, he got caught in 4k. He was about to escape again when Seonghwa grasp both of his hand above with his strong one fine hands.

"Ouch, let me go!"

"Explain why you were here when the couch is yours," Seonghwa smirk tighting his grip.

"I-uh was about to wake you up?..." he said unsure.

Seonghwa snort. "Just say it if you want to sleep with me. Its not that hard. Plus I was awake last night."

Hongjoong was so embarrased. He couldn't say anything more that he avoid his gaze.

"Wow, you really want to sleep with me that bad?" Seonghwa said sarcatically.

"Excuese me Park. I wouldn't be in here in the first place if the thunder isn't being a bitch and I couldn't sleep without getting startled every second time the thunder came..." Hongjoong confessed still avoiding his gaze. There's a little blush on his cheeks and a pout.

"Tsk, you could just say earlier. There's no need to sneak like a thief." Seonghwa said releasing his grip from him.

"Does that mean you have no problem me sleeping with you?" Hongjoong questioned while raising his eyebrow. He watch as Seonghwa's lips turn into michiveous smile, and he know that whatever on his mind right now was not something good.

"I mean why not? You seem enjoying cuddling with me last night."

"I d-didn't!" he denied it.

"Sure," he tease.


Mr Park sigh heavily. He put his phone down after failing to contact his son. He massage his head before calling his personal assistant to come in.

"You called me sir?" a young man with a red slicked hair in a suit came.

"What is he doing at this hour? I've been calling him for one hour now and still I got no replies!" Mr Park exclaimed.

"Forgive me sir. I don't know." the assistant boy answer calmly clearly not effected by the sudden anger came from his boss.

He watched him taking a deep breath before leaning on his chair. Although, Jongho was a new hired personal assistant a month ago, he learn that Mr Park and his son never get along and rarely interact with each other.

He never knew the reasons why and he didn't want to know either because that is not his problem. He just came here for work and money to support his family weak economy and surely he didn't want to get fired only for asking a sensitive question.

"Jongho," Mr Park ordered. "Find Seonghwa and bring him here no matter what. Use force if needed to."

Jongho bow and mutter 'yes sir' before exiting the office. Oh and yes, he know Seonghwa look likes.

The company hang a family potrait of Mr Park's on the wall. He sees it everyday and learn his face future. He rolled his eyes, a little irritated by how the boss just ordered him find his son without a clue.

Thanks godness a staff help him by giving him an address. He thank the staff before heading to the elevator.


"Wooyoung, just pick a damn clothes already! We been here like 2 hours now!" Yeosang glared at the one person who busy trying out outfits here and here.

"Of course. Which one do you think the best?" Wooyoung suddenly asked while holding a two shirt, blue and black.

"Just buy both. Its not like you can't afford it"

"I know but dad gonna cut my credit card if I buy this much."

"You know what?"


"I don't care. Just pick one of them already!"

"K fine fine! Let me try it first!" with that he dissapeared to the fitting room.

While waiting for his friend, he play with his phone and before he can do anything, his phone snatched by some thief.

"Hey! Ugh, fuck!" Yeosang wasted no time and catched the thief leaving Wooyoung puzzled who just came out from the fitting room.

The thief ran faster than Yeosang but suddenly stopping in the middle when a strong hands caught him by the collar. The thief struggle to escape but its no use as his opponent was more way stronger.

Yeosang came a few second later before giving the thief a low flying kick in the stomach and get his phone back. Even the other man is impressive of it.

"That's what you get for stealing!" he add another light kick on the thief who was suffering from pain on the ground.

He shift his eyes to the other man beside him and mutter thanks before walking away.

"Wait," he pause and turned around to the stranger in front of him. "Do you perhaps know this man in the picture?" rhe man said while showing him the picture.

"Wait..." Yeosang immediately realized the person in the picture. "Isn't this Park Seonghwa?"


Stan yeosang's black hair!

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Stan yeosang's black hair!

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