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"What do you mean Seonghwa is getting married?!" Mr Park yelled furiously. Jongho sighed. Just as he predict the president reaction.

"Sir, it just assumptions. The girl drug Seonghwa and it could mean she's planning to sleep with him. That also means she's trying to create a drama and other unnecessary things," Jongho explained. "Mrs Lee probably involved with this plan too since she was so desperate to convince Seonghwa to sign a contract with them,"

Mr Park snort. "The hell this old woman desperate for?"

He lean on his seat and think for a moment. So, this is the end, huh?

"I think I need an air to clear my mind. Cancel all the scedule today," he order before getting up and dissapear from the office.

Jongho bow as he understand what to do.


"Yah, Park Seonghwa?!" San yelled as he can't believe what he just heard. "Are you fucking kidding with me?! You-"

"You heard it right, idiot. And shut your fucking mouth. We're at the library."

"Sorry, but that's impossible! How did it happen??!"

"Woke up and saw her crying beside me,naked. That's when I knew I fucked up. Maybe I shouldn't drink that night," he explained emotionless.

"I think you should stop seeing your mother right now! She's planning evil thing to you!"

Seonghwa raise an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean remember the time you-"

"Stop, she's not evil. Father is,"

San sighed. "I can't believe you. Did that old witch do something to you that you can't see the kindness your father give to you?"

"Maybe, I don't see the reason why I should see it through him," he play with his pen, looking a little mad about San mentioning his father.

San was about to say something when he was interupted by a sound. They immediately turn their head to the source of the sound to see 2 people not far from them, a book on ground.

"Aww man! You ruin our plan!" it was Mingi and Wooyoung, Hongjoong friends. Wooyoung was the one who said it.

"What are you doing here?" San asked a little suspicous about them.


"Come to study." came a blonde Yeosang who was holding a few books with him. He walk past by the duo and sit on the table near San and Seonghwa.

Seonghwa judge him by his face to detect a lie on him but all he can find was nothing. Maybe they didn't hear anything or just pretending.

"What are you guys waiting for?" Yeosang glare at his friends who was bickering.

"I-yeah, come on Woo. Don't just stand here like an idiot," Mingi said that cause Wooyoung mad and they start fighting again but Yunho come and shush them.

"Its your fault!" Wooyoung started again. Mingi was about to say something but stopped when he found a death glare by Yunho.

"You know what, forget about it," Mingi finally gave up and sit next to Yeosang. "What are we studying again?" he asked dumbfound.

Yeosang snap his head at his direction. Mingi just returned him a sly smile.


"You know what the book you're reading is upside down, Song Mingi. And don't think I didn't notice you staring at me for at least 30 minutes now, Jung Wooyoung," Seonghwa state which caused the boys give him an awkward laugh. Meanwhile, Yeosang just facepalm.

"I told you not to make it obvious dumbass!" Wooyoung whispered to Mingi.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "You've heard the conversation just now."

"What are you talking about? We just came!" Mingi trying to make excuses. Seonghwa raised his eyebrow.

"Oh okay, well yeah we maybe did overhear a little bit of your conversation. But not much."

Mingi eyes widened as he saw Seonghwa raise his pen as he was about to stab him. "I swear we will not tell everyone about it!"

"Yeah, as much as we hate you we would not go that far to ruin your life." Wooyoung support him.

Both boys sigh in relief as Seonghwa retreat his arm.

"So, what's the girl's name again? Yejin? Yuji?"

"Shut up! Someone will hear you!" San scolded Wooyoung.

"Sorry but the only people in hear was us and the librarian! No one will hear us!" Wooyoung fight back.

"Guys, lower your tone!" Yunho came while glaring.

"You see here Mr Librarian, we about to gossip some hot topic so it can't be help if our voice is loud," Mingi said.

"But this is-"

"Yes, yes, we know. I could rent this library if you want. Right now, I just want to hear the story from Park Seonghwa" Yeosang said who have been quiet for so long.

"And why do think I would tell you the story?" Seonghwa adjust his new glasses. Yep, got a new one since the other is broken.

"For... Okay, what if someone might actually start to spread the rumor that you got a women pregnant but the story is way to far from what you've done. And, and it caused a misunderstanding which lead your name will be ruined as a honour student" Mingi start.

"Of course the one who start the rumor is one of you since you guys the only one that heard this,"

"What are you taking us for? We're not really that bad!" Wooyoung argue, mentally holding himself not to fight the other guy.

Hi, its me. I'm sorry for dissapearing. Life is great...

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