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Hongjoong pat the seat next to him, signalling Seonghwa to sit down to the right of him. Seonghwa plopped himself down and look to his other side to find Wooyoung looking at him.

"You still mad aren't you?" he state.

"Guess so." he answered and pick the menu that was laid on the table. Wooyoung gasps in mock offense but then remain silent because he didn't want to fight the man right now.

Hongjoong break the silent by calling some people to take their order. After the food serve they eat in a comfortable silent, but soon it was filled with a laughter and loud voice as Mingi and Wooyoung begin to crack a joke. San and Minho join too which making the table lively now.

They bid their goodbye to each other after the dinner. Yeosang was about to accompany Hongjoong to go home but the blue hair boy refuse saying his brother would come pick him later. He nod and wish him a good night before leaving only Hongjoong and Seonghwa alone.

A beat of silence surround them. None of them talk, until Seonghwa let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry."

Hongjoong roll his eyes upon hearing his word. "Right, it took you 1 week to apologize." he replied sarcasticly.

"You been avoiding me ever since that night."

Its true. After Seonghwa caught him staring that night, panic crept into his face and he push himself hard to escape from Seonghwa grip that caused him to knock over a glass and his hand fall on it. His hand bleed of course.

Despite the dizziness in his head, Seonghwa manage to walk into Hongjoong side and was about to help him but he was pushed aside and could only watch him running to leave his room. He caught a noise of door closed meaning he already leave.

Damn it. Seonghwa was planning to apologize the next Monday but a certain someone didn't come until Wednesday. Yet, everytime he want to approach the guy he will avoid him. He was thinking to apogize through text but that would be a such coward move.


"Okay?" Seonghwa question him.

"I'm the wrong one in first place. Shouldn't keep staring when I know its rude so I'm the one who should be apologizing. Count this," he show his bandage hand. "as a karma for me for doing that." he smile and begin to walk, Seonghwa following behind.

"Tsk you deserve it anyway but I'm genuiely concern about your hand. Shouldn't it be healed by now considering its just a small cut?"

Hongjoong turned to shoot a sly grin over his shoulder. "What? Are you caring for me now? And, it is not a small cut. The glass torn my hand out into a deep cut."

"Oh," he acknowledge. "This is going to the bus station. I thought your brother was going to pick you up." the realization hit him after 5 minutes on walking.

Hongjoong didn't answer instead he just keep walking. Seonghwa sigh and walk even faster to walk by his side.

"Want me to walk you?" he offered sound hesitant. Hongjoong look up looking suprised by his word. "Just to be sure you would not get kidnap because of how short you are." he joke and he could feel a light hit on his shoulder.

"Mean," he muttered before walking away leaving Seonghwa laughing behind him.


Yunho bow at the customers that just buy flowers. He flash a smile while waving his hand toward them.

"Thank you! Please come again!" he exclaimed and write a report on a paper before went to wrap a flower that a customer order. However, his action halted by a ring of bell signalling a customer just enter.

SEONGJOONGWhere stories live. Discover now