• seize •

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When Namjoon stepped out of the room, the first thing he met was Christopher, leaning against the opposite wall of the corridor. His arms were crossed and he chewed on the inside of his mouth. Namjoon knew, he was pissed. And Namjoon also exactly knew why. "Oh, hello Chris, shouldn't you be going to bed soon? It's late." he smiled innocently, followed by Chris clearing his throat. "You're a sneaky, little lying dickhead, do you know that?" Namjoon chickled lightly and shrugged. "Whoopsie?"

"The worst thing!", Chris groaned, "The worst thing is that I can't do anything about it because you are you."

The two of them walked along the corridor, to the exit. They passed the room for Kim Seokjin. "Why did you lie about him being awake? He wasn't even moving, he's fully unconscious.", Chris asked, looking up at his friend beside him. He was a good few inches taller than him. Namjoon shrugged again. "I needed a strategy to get you out of the room. And since you're persistent on always being in your patient's rooms, I needed another patient for an excuse."

"You could've just told me to leave the room."

"I could, but would you have?"

"I guess not."

"You see?"

They went through the door. Behind it, there was a small clinic. One that's typical for a typical doctor. No one could suspect a thing if it weren't for the extra hospital-like rooms behind the door they just came through. "Besides," Namjoon sighed, "If I ordered you to leave with no reason, the poor boy would've had one panic attack more." Chris snapped his head in Namjoon's direction. "ONE MORE?!", he shouted, immediately being shut up by Namjoon's hand laying over his mouth. "It's almost 3am, don't shout." Chris pouted. "He was having a panic attack and you didn't tell me?"

"A mild one. But he calmed down, don't worry."

"Did you help him?" Namjoon nodded again, grabbing his coat hanging over the counter of the little clinic. "He was trembling. I gave him a big glass of water and opened the windows for a while, then he calmed down pretty quickly."

"Well, at least.", Chris frowned a bit, turning off all the lights of the clinic but the one they were standing under, "Oh, by the way, he has this cat." Chris mentioned, "Someone should bring it here, so he won't worry too much. He won't be able to feed it the next few days." Namjoon put the long coat around his shoulders, not bothering putting his arms through the sleeves. "We have his ID, his adress and his keys, but to we have his permission?" Chris smiled. "Yeji has his permission."


"She told me they were really close, more than we thought before. And she even has an extra-key, for emergencies. And since his cat has no one to feed her, she can excuse this as an ermegency."

"That's perfect. Please call her as soon as you can."


After a short goodnight-talk, Chris had gone into his apartement above the little clinic. Namjoon had arrived at his home about 20 minutes later. He found a little note on the kitchen table.

yo joon,
there's food for you in the fridge. and don't you dare make any noise, i want to sleep, namdickqué.

-the loveliest of lovely people and your best friend forever, Yoongi (*''*)╯♡

Namjoon chuckled lightly. As friendly as always. At least his food was fresh. He opened the fridge and took out some noodles from the 24/7 store his friend picked up for him. He had asked him to get food and immediately go home a while ago. He was happy that he did, otherwise he'd have to explain his little lie to a lot more people.

Namjoon and Yoongi, along with his little brother, Taehyung, had been living together for almost 10 years now. He was glad both knew exactly what kind of noodles he liked most. So he sat down to the table, watched his daily round of news and munched his food. It was almost half past three when he got a call from a certain someone. Namjoon grinned when he read the name. He put down his food, stood up and searched his way to the balcony of the large mansion. Better not wake Yoongi, he thought. The cold air of the rural met his skin that was already attached to the warmth of the house. With a little bit of goosebumps, he answered the call. "Why so late?" He heard a sigh from the other side. "I knew you'd still be awake. Why weren't you answering my calls from before?"

"Hoseok, I was busy, remember? I turned off my phone, I.. had some things to take care of.", he excused himself, thinking of the terrified boy in Chris' clinic. "Has this - by any chance - to do with the car crash near the party you attented tonight? They had a witness telling the police she saw a few people carrying away the crashed car, despite the authorities knowing nothing about this." The caller, Hoseok, was good. Namjoon knew that. He bit his lip, a playful grin on his lips. "Right direction, Chief." Hoseok sighed heavily. Namjoon could almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. "Was this your work? Did anyone get harmed? I swear to god, if you have anything to do wi-"

"Not directly."

"What do you mean not directly? Namjoon you're not hel-"

"We found them when the car had crashed already. I can imagine the reason they had the accident, though.", he explained calmy. "Stop interrupting me. I'm way too tired for that now.", Hoseok said annoyed. Namjoon chuckled. "Sorry, go on."

"Now tell me. In what way were you related? And did anyone get harmed?", he interrogated, this time with pressure in his voice. "I had a talk with the driver before they drove off. I think he might have had a stress attack or something like that. And yes, both of them got harmed pretty bad, one is still unconscious, but Doctor Bang is caring for  them and they're in a good condition. And he has their ID's and stuff, if you want to see.", Namjoon recalled, still thinking about Jimin in that hospital-like bed. After that, there was a pause. Namjoon supposed Hoseok was noting down what he was told. "Good. I'll let the departement know that it's fine. Don't do anything stupid, Namjoon, the suspicions on RM are getting more these days. I'll call you tomorrow, there are a few more details we have to discuss."

"Thank you, Hoseok, get a good sleep. You're working too hard sometimes."

"Says you, who's always awake at this time. You should rest sometimes, too, you know?" Namjoon smiled. "Yeah, yeah."

Worrying about each other's sleeping schedule.. that was not part of the contract. But Namjoon didn't mind having built up a close friendship with the chief of police.

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