• dix-sept •

471 40 2

Jimin came home. It was completely dark. And his keys were gone. The door was broken open. Slowly, he took step after step into the little apartement. It reeked strange. Like something rotten. He approached the kitchen, where he found someone eating. "Hey, have you seen Sereny?", he asked the figure, munching a bag of chocolate chips. The figure shook it's head, before it continued eating. Jimin then went into the bathroom. The bath.. that wasn't a bath, but a hospital-room. The whole room was nothing near a bathroom. Jimin didn't mind. He went out again, following the smell of the rotten. It led him to his bedroom. He opened the door, looked onto his bed and-


Chris could hear a loud, panicked scream coming from Jimin's room. He excused himself quickly from the few men around him and hurried to his patient.

"Jimin! What happened?", he asked, afraid something really bad happened. "S-sereny..", the boy in the bed trembled, staring at the opposite wall. "What's the matter?", Chris concerned, sitting himself down next to him, "What's with her?"

"She.. I.. I had a nightmare..", Jimin whispered, looking down. "Do you want to tell me?" Jimin hesistated, but nodded. Not out of trust, though. If he didn't tell someone now, he would start to cry later. "I...", he started, but interrupted himself to take a deep breath before he continued, "I dreamt that she.. that she died of hunger.. and layed on my bed.. and she was already dead for a while.. because I couldn't feed her..", he looked up at Chris, desperate determination in his eyes, "I need to see her, Chris, I need to take care of her.. or else.." He whispered the last part, looking down again. A big lump was growing in his throat, blocking his air ways and pressing tears into his eyes. Chris tried to comfort him. He fixed the chaotic blanket, laying it over Jimin's legs and put up the rest of his bed. "Don't worry, she's fine. You will see her soon."

"N-no you don't understand.. I feed her so often, she's used to it and.. and I need to see her toda-"

"You will, don't worry."

Jimin felt like Chris didn't take him seriously. Did he really want to tell him Jimin could go home today? Was it really this easy? "You.. You'll let me go today?", he asked, eyebrows raised in wonder and, maybe, a little bit of joy. "No. But we'll find a way.", Chris answered, looking to the door. Jimin wanted to say something more, when a single thought crossed his mind.

They.. won't break into his house, will they?

"Well, anyways, I have to go now, if there's nothing more.", Chris stated, slowly standing up, "My student will bring you breakfeast in a bit. I hope you're not allergic to milk products or anything?", he asked, receiving a light headshaking. Chris gave him a last warm smile, full of kind assurance and comfort before exiting again.


"Joon! This is important!"

"Yeah, I'm just writing Christopher, a minute."

"WE DON'T HAVE A MINUTE, IT'S AN ORDER!", Taehyung shouted, "The man is going outside any second!" Namjoon sighed and put his phone away. "Good, I'm ready.", he groaned silently, rubbing his shivering arms. He was getting very cold on the rooftop they were lying on. He lowered his head, eyes focused on the exit of the luxurious building, his finger steady on the trigger. And then.. silence. Seconds, moments, minutes of complete, repressing silence. The air was filled with pressure, determination, bloodlust and the smell of early mornings. The only thing they heard was the sound of the door being swung open before two loud bangs filled the, still dark, morning atmosphere.

"Nice shot. You didn't miss an inch."

"I don't ever miss, especially when I have to go visit a little chaton."

"Stop it."

"Non. You spend too much time with Yoongi."

"He's my boyfriend!"


Jimin heard two shy knocks on his door. "Y-yes?", he answered. After a round of silence, the door opened, slowly, as if the visitor hesistated two times in a row. "Good morning, Jimin..", a quiet, female voice said, revealing the face just a bit later. "Yeji?", Jimin exclaimed, questioning how his student and friend was here. And why? Yeji nodded, shyly, a little bit of embarrassment playing around on her face, in her posture, in her expression. "I.. I brought you breakfeast.", she said. Jimin then noticed the plate she carried, with a glass of milk, some slices of bread with cheese, salami and different kinds of vegetables and fruit. There even was a tiny little bonbon.

She put it on Jimin's nightstand, the table next to his bed, careful not to make a sound. "Have you been sleeping good?",she asked, avoiding Jimin's eyes. Jimin noticed. But he worried about another thing. "Yeah.", he lied, "But did you? You look so exhausted again, I-"

Jimin suddenly remembered. The flood of facts and memories was too overwhelming, but it felt like a major hole of questions getting stiched at once. Yeji being exhausted. That party. Namjoon. Chris. Her boss, her supervisor. Chris' student. Breakfeast.

"You.. you work for him? For Namjoon?"

Yeji gulped heavily. Then she sat down next to the bed, building up a certain distance between them. "I'm sorry..", she whispered, letting her head fall down into her hands, "I know this.. seems pretty weird and confusing, but I can explain.."

"It's okay.. i guess.", Jimin said, carefully putting his hand on her knee, "I don't think you have to tell me everything.. I know what I have to know.. and you're not that bad of a person to have been lying to me..." Yeji smiled a bit, resting her hand on Jimin's. "Thanks.."

"No problem.. just..", he started, looking to the door, "If I got this right, then.. Chris is your supervisor? And you're his student?"

"Uhm..", Yeji stuttered, knowing she can't afford excuses, "I kinda am?"

"So you're a medical student too?"


"Yeji that's amazing! You're so hard working.. I'm so proud of you."

Yeji was speechless. Despite everything? "But.. my.. my job.."

"I don't care about the job, you're my friend."

Jimin carefully pulled her close, putting his arms around her back. Yeji hesistated, still stunned by his reaction. She wrapped her arms around him, giving in in his embrace. Jimin smiled widely. It was really good to see a familiar face.

"Uhm.. Jimin?"


"I... have a little suprise guest for you."

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