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"And one, two, three, fou- Yeji, please tighten your posture more.", Jimin instructed calmly, as he noticed one of his students, a young girl with bright blonde hair and even brighter eyes not putting enough effort in her grand plié. Standing there, in the middle of the room, in front of the huge mirror in his beloved studio. "I'm sorry.. i'll try better next time.", she replied shyly, looking to the ground. Jimin just nodded and continued his teaching. He was very exhausted, though, it was nearly 7 o'clock and he had been in the studio for almost 8 hours now. But did that stop him from doing what he loved? Absolutely not.

"Okay, girls and Yeonjun, i'll show you the combo one last time and then you'll try yourself.", he said smiling, receiving a lot of nods and more smiles. They loved him too. Jimin placed himself in the middle of the room, in perfect place for everyone to see and positioned his body. "And one.. two.. three!"

What followed always amazed his students. A perfect posture, a perfect tension, the perfect grand plié and two-three perfect pirouettes. Lastly, he jumped up, spinned in the air and landed majesticly on his left foot, the right one crossed behind it. Yes, this was definitely what he loved. His eyes shone, his smile very present. His students clapped. "Noooo, don't clap, try it yourself now.", he laughed and pointed three of them out. "Lia, Yeonjun, Minnie, you three go first." The teacher made space for them, going to his other students to get a good view of the ones in the middle of the room. They positioned themselves before Jimin started to count again. "And one! Two! Three! Four!"

Some time after, the clock finally hit seven. A loud ring could be heard through the whole room. "Alright Girls and Yeonjun, that's it for today. You guys did a great job, as always.", he grinned, receiving a round of applause.

He could finally go home again. What a day. But first, he needed to do something. "Yeji, could you please come to my room when you're done changing?" The girl he approached looked at him suprised, but with a nod. "Of course, give me just a few minutes."

"Thanks, that would be lovely."

She quickly went into her changing room, Jimin in his. You couldn't really say it was his changing room, more like an outer-home-living-room. There was a little office, but also a couch and a TV, a wardrobe and a bookshelf, even some plants were neatly set under the big window. He changed his clothes right on the spot, as the door couldn't be opened from the outside, without a key. He figured he would take a shower when he got home. And boy, he couldn't wait to see his lovely Sereny again. Right when he finished changing, someone knocked on his door. Jimin quickly put the dirty clothes into a little bag and opened the door. "Hey, Yeji, take a seat, if you want.", he smiled, making space for her to walk through. "Uhm...", the girl stuttered, "I'm not in trouble or sum'.. am I..?"

"Nonono, you're not, it's really okay, I just wanted to talk for a minute, if that's alright?"

"Yea, yeah, it's alright. It's just, my brother picks me up today so if we could make it quick..?", she quietly asked. Jimin nodded and smiled again. "Of course. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thanks, I still have something in my bag." Jimin nodded once again and sat down beside her. "Soo... what I wanted to talk about..", he said, gaining her attention, "You seem to be very unconcentrated lately, the last few weeks. That's... very unlikely of you, to be honest. Now don't get me wrong, it's just I'm worried and you look very tired all week." Yeji looked down. "I'm very, very, very sorry Jimin, it's just.. my job is getting pretty overwhelming lately, my boss is stressing my supervisor and therefore I have to do a lot of more stuff now..", she explained, playing with her fingers. Jimin looked at her concerned. "You know, Yeji, you can always talk to me about everything, okay? We've been knowing each other for some years now, so you don't have to apologise. And I sure know how difficult your boss can be sometimes from the stories you told. And besides, you can always take off some time, if your job is stressful, it's okay. We don't have anything special planned yet, so I can set you free from training for a week or two, okay?"

"You'd really do this?", Yeji looked at him in disbelief. "Of course, you're one of my best students and also my friend. I trust you, it won't hurt anyone if you take off for a bit.", he reassured. Yeji smiled widly. "You're an angel, Jimin, thank you, thank you, thank you!", she hugged him tightly and continued her thanks.

The door knocked again. "Yeji, you coming? Hyunjin's been waiting outside.", another girl's voice was heared from the outside. "Yes, just a second!", she replied, trying not to shout into Jimins ears. The latter let go of the hug and shushed her to the door. "Gogogo, your brother's waiting. I'll set you free from training 'til next Friday.", he explained, opening the door. Yeji bowed a last time. "Thank you again Jimin, let me pay you back by a pizza or something.", she grinned, saying her goodbye and running out with her friend, to her brother who was waiting.

Jimin then packed his last things and got ready to go home, too. It was a long day and tonight, there was some party he had to get dressed for.

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