• dix-neuf •

469 36 6

The walk to Chris' clinic was a bit silent. Jungkook had brought two cups for their drinks, as they really were in a rush. But neither of them for the same reason.

"So," Namjoon started, looking at the black-head, "You seem a bit happier since last month. Did something happen?" Jungkook took a little sip of his coffee. Was it that obvious? "How'd you notice?", he asked his mentor. The latter smirked teasingly. "You're often just spacing out and then you smile. And you stopped looking at cute couples in public and kill them with looks. And there is someone with a lot of hearts saved in your contacts. Does that have a special reason? Maybe a.. personne spéciale?", he interrogated, eyebrows wriggling. A slight blush crept on Jungkook's face. Caught off guard, he eyed his cup of coffee suspiciously intense. Namjoon's eyes lit up. "So you do have a partner! Finally!", he exclaimed, enthusiatically bumping the others shoulder and smiling to both ears. "Yoongi and me were wondering for weeks now. I'm so happy for you."

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Joon.. I was worried for a long time that you wouldn't react this supportive.. but I guess that was without a reason."

"Why would I? Only because I'm the only sacred single now? I know you're careful enough to not slip, I trust you.", he grinned. Jungkook made a little face of sudden realisation. "Oh my. Did Yoongi and Taehyung finally get together?"

"You knew of that too?"


"Well, yes, they did. A few days ago."

"Ahhhh, cute."

Jungkook really was glad that Namjoon was this positive regarding his relationship. But he'll see about that when he finds out with who.


Chris' food really was delicious, that Jimin had to say. Even though it was just a plain breakfeast with just bread, it was great. Maybe it's because he was starving a little, but that didn't matter.

"So how's Hyunjin?", he asked, knowing Yeji's brother hasn't talked with him in a long time. "He's.. good, yes. In fact, his hair is shoulder-length now, and blonde. You can't imagine how annoyed he is by random strangers that hit on him all the time.", Yeji giggled. It's true, Jimin thought, Hyunjin was indeed someone to admire. "But, I think,", Yeji continued, taking a glance outside the window, "he's secretely enjoying it."

Jimin always adored Yeji's and her brother's relationship. Maybe he even envied them a bit. His only brother, that he never really knew, moved out with his dad when he was only four years old. Jimin could only remember his mother talking badly about both of them. He couldn't quiet understand back then, his brother was only two years old, after all.


Yeji's worried voice made him wake up from his little spaceout. "Yeah?", he replied, looking to Yeji, who already took the plate with all of the leftovers of his breakfeast. "I'll have to go in a bit. You know..", she hesistated, "work and stuff.."

"It's alright.", Jimin smiled. He knew who Yeji worked for. And he knew he shouldn't be stopping her from doing it. "Then you should get going." Yeji looked up from the plate she was staring at to open her mouth, leading to her looking down again and stopping her attempt. That didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "Is anything wrong?", he asked carefully, yet worried. "Yes- I mean no- I mean.. argh..", she grunted, seemingly frustrated, "I don't know.. how to say this.."

"It's okay.. just try if you feel like it's urgent, otherwise just leave it, I'll understand.", Jimin spoke softly, having Yeji instantly feel calmer. She always instantly felt calmer when she got calmed by Jimin. She took a deep breath and faced him again. "I.. wanted to apologise.. for yesterday.. at the party."

Oh, Jimin thought, that thing. He sighed, ending it with another soft smile. "Yeji, I don't know how many times I'll say this again, but it's alright. Don't worry. I can imagine in what situation you were, so I can understand. Just please.. ", he looked at her in pleading worry, filled with kind reassurance, "Don't feel bad and apologise to me. It's your job. That shouldn't be my problem."

Yeji really was thankful, to say at least. If there was a better word than that, she would throw it around endlessly. But right now, she knew that she was in good hands. Taking a shy glance at Jimin, who was already stretching out his arms for a hug, she smiled. She smiled endlessly reliefed and thankful, letting their hug blow away all the tension. Sereny, who still lied on Jimin's legs, meowed seemingly uncomfortable. Jimin giggled. "Okay,", he started, "let's get you going, whereever you have to go. I'm sure you'll do good."

Jimin realised that might have been not the best thing to say. He really hoped he didn't just encourage his friend and own student to commit a crime or something. But that luckily didn't last long. "Thanks.", Yeji grinned, "I'll be doing research on some kinds of medicine. Gonna be fun."


"Oh, hi Yeji.", Jungkook greeted the girl that came out of the clinic right when they entered. Yeji could only throw a little 'heyo' before they already were inside. "Guess Chris gave her something to do really quick.", Namjoon noted, going inside the hallway. "Was she here for the patients?", Jungkook asked. Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, she's Jimin's ballett student and apparently a good friend. Why?"

"Uhm.. just asking."

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