• vingt-quatre •

421 33 2

Jungkook sighed in defeat. His little defense for his secrets was defeated. Now he gotta tell them.

"Can we.. talk outside?"

Without giving an answer, Namjoon grabbed his pupil's collar and dragged him outside, slamming the door close. Seokjin inside could only flinch before he burst into tears. There was something going on, involving the one he loved and the one he owes millions to. And he could do nothing but to wait.

Outside the door, Namjoon pushed Jungkook against the wall. "When were you planning to tell me?!", he almost growled, having a tight grip around Jungkook's shoulders. The latter looked down, ready to dogde anything that may come. "I already suspected you having a relation to this guy!", Namjoon snapped, confirming Jungkook's fear, "But your boyfriend?! Are you mad?! You're risking so much and you just decide to hide that from me?!"

"I'm sorry.."

"Yeah, sorry my ass! You better explain every detail before I-"

Namjoon was going to rant a lot more, if there wasn't a little interruption. The little interruption, he figured, was a petite man, pulling Jungkook from his grasp and behind him, placing himself im their middle.

"Stop that.", Jimin persisted, looking up at Namjoon, fierce eyes, protective posture, "Don't punish him for loving someone."

Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. "You gotta stop interrupting me like that."

"Not if it's always the people that are important to me.", Jimin said, squinting his eyes and pulling Jungkook more behind him, "And especially not when you're pressing them against a wall."

"Jiminie..", Jungkook made himself noticable from behind. He gently put his hands on the others shoulders, pulling him aside. "It's okay.", he smiled, but Jimin saw the insecurity in his face, "You should be in your bed. What if Chris see's you outside like this?"

"I'm fine. I'm totally fine, okay? What's not fine, is that yo-"

"He's right.", Namjoon said, his voice stern and unamused, stepping a bit closer, "You should return to your room. You're not completely whole again." Jimin only shook his head. "Only when you promise to not hurt him. Or Jinnie. Or anyone in this house." Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "And what are you going to do about it? You can't just.. well.. stand here and listen."

To that, Jimin didn't really know an answer. He knew he could never compete with a massive dude like Namjoon, who didn't only look intimidating, but probably also could kick his ass until he had to go to a real hospital. But what was he going to do? Just do nothing?

"I.. I only can ask you to stay civilized. At least while Jinnie is hurt this much.. and he needs Jungkookie..", Jimin voice got more silent and silent, until it was just a little whisper, "Please. I know I don't know every detail on why you're so angry at him, but please... that wouldn't be fair."

Now, it was Namjoon who didn't know how to act. He was mad, to say at least. His own student and close friend, almost like a second little brother, was betraying him like that and just hiding everything he could, but what was he going to do? Kick him out? Kill him? He gulped a little, looking between Jimin, who looked at him with pleading eyes, and Jungkook, who avoided every eyecontact. And was he just.. supposed to turn Jimin down? To forcefully return him into his bed without being punished by Chris and his own conscience? No, he couldn't do that. So what was he going to do? Say no?

Namjoon blinked. A few seconds of silence. Then, he sighed heavily. "Alright. We'll talk later.", he turned to Jungkook, "And you're going to tell me everything that I should know. But for now.." That part, he had no idea. What should they do for now? Just let him go into Seokjin's room? Well, he supposed, that was probably what Jimin would want from him. Letting it go, for now. But.. he couldn't. For now.

"Jungkookie, how's Jinnie even?", Jimin noted, finally raking the courage to ask about his best friend. Jungkook looked to the door to Jin's room, keeping his head down. "He's.. kinda.. good? But also.. he's kinda.. shocked because I work with Namjoon.."

"Oh, I am, too. And you're going to explain that to me too. But do you think we can both talk to him now?"

"I mean... I don't know.. maybe.. maybe we gotta take Chris with us.. don't know.."

His tone was shy, he kept his head down, staring at the floor. Namjoon bit the inside of his mouth. That was not how he knew Jungkook. "Stop being so spineless, Jungkook.", he said, a more softer voice to use and gently pushing Jungkook to the door, "You're not like that. Go inside. Before I change my mind."


"Jungkookie.. I appreciate that you're willing to explain that shit to me.. but.. do they have to be here, too?"

"What a nerve you have, after crashing our car."

Jin had really hoped the voices outside his room would calm down. And that the door would open again, Jungkook coming in and letting him kmow his fear was unnecessary and that it was just an ugly coincidance, that it wasn't Kim Namjoon who stood outside the door, that it was just a misunderstanding, that Jungkook had said things that didn't make sense. That his cute little protector worked with the person he wanted to be protected from.

But here they were, his boyfriend, his bestfriend and this exact person, in his room, around his bed.

"Besides, I have the right to be here too, as fellow victim of the accident.", Jimin explained, jokingly lifting his eyebrows, "And.. I asked him to come, too. And the doctor allowed it, too."

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