3. Sparks Fly

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"Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain

Kiss me on the sidewalk

Take away the pain

'cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile" -Taylor Swift


I threw my feet up on the table and flipped through the channels. It was a cold, rainy Saturday and i had nothing better to do but watch TV while stuffing my face with soda and hot Cheetos.

I felt a cold chill when the front door opened then closed shut.

Luke strolled in and sat right next to me on the couch.

We sat in a very uncomfortable silence.

"So, i'm guessing you remember what happened?"Luke finally spoke up.

I groaned. "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm not attracted to you so don't worry."

Luke chuckled. "Good. Because we would never happen." He winked.

"Did i just get friend zoned?" I gasped.

"Sorry, babe."


Nick flashed through my mind.

Luke noticed my frown. "Lets go somewhere."

I turned to him. "Where exactly?"

"Somewhere fun." Luke smiled.

"Lucas, your definition of fun is getting drunk and jumping off roofs."

"That was one time Emma.."

A few summers ago, i forced Nick and Luke to watch Mary Poppins with me. Of course they felt the need to get a little buzzed or else the movie would've been boring. As soon as the movie ended they decided to jump off the roof while holding umbrellas.

Nick fell right on his left leg and Luke fell on his left arm.

They were hospitalized together and had the time of their lives.

"So, then what do you recommend Greyson?" He stood up and extended his hand for me to grab.

I hesitated but grabbed it. Heat shot up through my arm but i shook the electrifying feeling away.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." He smirked.


The gray clouds that darkened the sky were replaced by white fluffy Simpson clouds.

Insert The Simpsons intro here.

There was a slight breeze but it felt amazing.

I twirled my hand out of the window and let my hand down from its messy ponytail. Since Luke had a convertible the wind made my hair slap my face from every different direction.

My attempt at looking like a super model failed.

My modeling career vanished into the thin air. Literally.

I heard a soft hum coming from the drivers seat. I took the chance to look over at Luke.

He clenched then unclenched his jaw several times. He still had that small shawdow on his face. There was a scar right above his eyebrow which was caused by a bike crash when we were about 11 years old. His grip on the steering wheel would suddenly tighten which made the veins on his hand and arm pop out.

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