15. Break your heart right back

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My head ached like I had a massive hangover. My mouth felt like cotton. My body felt sticky and hot.

My eyes burned as soon as I opened them.

"You drugged me." I croaked.

"Now why would you think so low of me, baby?" Diego poured me a cup of orange juice and set it on the table next to me along with scrambled eggs paired with bacon. "I never know you could get so wild in bed, Emma. Now I know why Greyson is so whipped."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Please, stop."

"That's not what you were saying last night." He winked which made chills run down my exposed body. I grabbed the white cotton sheet and brought it closer to myself.

"Here, you need to eat." He stabbed some food with the fork and brought it to my mouth.

"How do you expect me to trust this.." I turned my head.

"Just trust me, Emma." He gently turned my head to look at him and placed his lips on mine.

I sighed against him as he pulled me onto his lap which caused the sheet to fall off my body.

"You're so beautiful." He said between kisses.

I imagined Luke holding me like this. Kissing me like this.

His lips pecked my shoulder. "I love you."

"If I say it back will you let me go?"

"That could be arranged." He teased.

I gently shoved him. "Accept the fact that I'm in love with someone else. That I will never love you the way you want me too, Diego."

"I know. I know that I need to let you go, but I can't."

I got off his lap and grabbed my oversized shirt to slip over my body.

"Look, just give it a try. Go back to New York. Let me go back to my family. Try to move on. If you can't, come back. I'll be here." I held his hand. "Do you trust me?"

"How can I not?" He caressed me cheek.

"I'm doing this for you, Diego. You need help." I shut my eyes.

"What do you mean I need help?"

On cue, there was a loud knock on the door.

"LAPD, open the door!"

"You called the cops?!" Diego stood up and paced the room. "How could I be so stupid?! You're a bitch Emma Heart."

I smiled proudly. "I know." I answered my ringing phone.

"Are you okay?" Luke said.

"As of right now, yes. But please hurry." I pleaded.

Diego grabbed my phone. "I swear if you keep this going I will kill her." And that's when I felt it.

Cold, metal against my temple.

A gush of wind came through the door as the police broke through it. I could barely make out Luke's face as he was being held back by two cops.

I could hear my heart beat pounding in my ears and Luke's faint shouts as he was being dragged away.

I touched Diego's hand and it felt like stone under my touch.

"Don't do it. You're better than this." I whispered.

"I'll kill her. I swear I will!" He yelled to the police.

I felt the gun shake on my head and felt the vibration of his voice and the beating of his heart on my back as he held me tightly to his chest.

One of the officers finally spoke up. "Put the gun down and nothing will happen to you, sir."

"Just fucking shoot him already, damnn!" A guy from across the hallway shouted.

I stifled a laugh.

Oh my gosh, what's wrong with me? I'm about to die and I'm over here laughing at shooting jokes.

I heard the click of the gun and froze.


"You can't expect me to just stand there like an idiot!" Luke yelled. He turned the corner and stared at Diego.

"Why are you doing this?" Luke's voice was harsh.

"You took her away from me." Diego's voice was shaky.

Luke laughed coldly. "Knight, you never had her In the first place. How do you think your brother would feel if you killed the love of his life?"

Then he looked at me and mouthed. "Why are you half naked" with a frantic look on his face.

Oh Luke...if you only knew.

Shit when he finds out...

The sound of a loud bang shook me out of my deep thoughts.

I hadn't realized that I was being thrown to the side until I felt myself hit the floor.

I looked over to find Luke on top of Diego both struggling to get a hold of the gun.

The cops immediately rushed to the two idiots on the floor and grabbed both of them.

But it was too late.

The gun went off and Luke stared at me with fear in his eyes.


I'm so sad that this chapter is so short );

sorry don't hate me bye I love you

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