3. Cheeta girls, Cheeta sistas

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"Can you be my nightingale?
Sing to me
I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale" -Demi Lovato (aka queen)


Emma Heart;

Catherine was currently sitting on the floor, criss-crossed, and staring at me.

"Your eyebrows look horrendous." She had a sour expression on her face.

"Gee,thanks." I examined them closely.

They weren't that bad.

Catherine Johnson, my bestfriend. Loud, aggravating, airhead, wont take anyones shit.

I met Cj back in elementary school. She had spread this rumor that i had this creepy obsession with crayons and i felt the need to steal everyones box.

Which was only half true.

i only stole one box.

And it happened to be hers.

"So, Tanya is having a bonfire tonight to start off spring break, you in or you out?" She smiled.

i opened my mouth to reply.

"You know what, don't even answer that. You're coming regardless." She stood up. "Now, lets get your troll looking ass ready!" She clapped and ran to my closet.


9:00 pm;

Stares. That is all i got when we arrived at Tanya's.

As soon as we walked through the door, it was like everyone became mute and just watched every move i made.

I guess you can say that i've been m.i.a for a few months or so. But, not to the point where everyone needed to be all up in my grill.

"How are you Emma?"

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"So..you're single now.."

Ridiculous, i know.

"You need to loosen up." A drink was shoved into my hands by a already buzzed Luke.

"You know i don't drink." I pushed the drink back to him.

"Just one drink. It won't hurt and i'll be here to protect you." He threw me a boyish smile.

Luke gave me back the red cup filled with red liquid.

One drink wouldn't hurt right? It's not like i was a lightweight anyway.

11:00 pm;

The rush the music was giving me felt amazing.

I stood on the table and swayed my hips while everyone gathered around and cheered me on.

When did this all begin? I have no clue actually.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and began raising it over my arms.

Everyone boo'd when i was yanked off the table and fell into a pair of strong arms.

"Nick." I smiled.

"You're extremely wasted." Nick sighed.

"It's Luke's fault." I giggled. "He's suuuuuch an asssssshole."

We walked through the crowd and out the door.

"Yeah. He really is isn't he?" Nick replied quietly as he placed me in his car.

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