5. The Promise

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"I feel we're close enough
I wanna lock in your love
I think we're close enough
Could I lock in your love babe?" -Sam Smith


 Luke's Pov

Hey eyes were big and blue. Her hair was long and a light brown. Her skin was soft and milky.

She was perfect. Every mans dream girl.

Even mine.

But, i couldn't have her because she was desperately in love with my bestfriend.

"I see the way you look at her. But, hey thanks for thinking my girlfriend is extremely beautiful." Nick would say.

I would laugh it off not wanting him to know the obvious truth.

I would do everything in my will to stay far away from her as possible. I would constantly be as asshole but she surprisingly took my rude comments to heart which made me fall even harder for her.

Everything was going well. She hated me. Nick wasn't letting her go anytime soon. She wasn't letting go of him. And I of course had other girls to take interest in. 

That was until we found out about Nick. It killed me seeing Emma like that. And most of all it killed me knowing that my bestfriend was slowly dying.

Everyone would tell him that he was going to beat cancer. That he was strong enough to survive.

I knew he wasn't though. As bad as it sounds, i knew my bestfriend was going to die.

"I'm dying man." Nick coughed.

I had a chair pulled up next to his bed. We were talking about the girl i had hooked up with the previous night when those words finally escaped his mouth.

"You just realized that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well no, but i have been denying it." He pulled his beanie lower to his forehead to hid his bald head. "It's just a crazy though y'know?"

I nodded.

"I mean my life wasn't perfect but i was happy. I have great parents, a roof over my head, food, money, you, and Emma." His voice cracked as he said Emma's name. "I just can't picture what life will be without you guys."

I looked up at him. My eyes filled with tears as i took in his appearance. "Where's Emma by the way?"

"Cj had to drag her out of here..She hasn't left my side."

"She's so whipped." I smirked.

"So am i." Nick chuckled. "Promise me one thing..." He suddenly got very serious.


"Promise me that when i'm actually gone you'll take care of her."

"You know i will man."

Nick shook his head. "Not just take care of her. Make her fall in love with you. I know how much you care for her..you love her as much as i do..so please Lucas, love her for me. Be there for her..."

A few tears streamed down my face. "I promise."

And so i kept that promise.

Here i am; staring at those big blue eyes, running my fingers through that long brown hair, and taking in every inch of that soft and silky skin. Knowing she's mine makes every inch of my body feel electric.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Emma laughed.

"You're just so beautiful." I kissed her temple.

She blushed. "Since when are you giving out compliments?"

"Since now." I shrugged and put my lips on hers.

She instantly reacted and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you." I repeated as i kissed her all the way down to her neck.

She tilted her head back to give me more access. My hands explored her bare skin where her skirt raised. What surprised me more was when she grabbed her shirt and yanked it over her head.

"Are you sure?" My eyes roamed her body.

"I've never been more sure about anything.." Her lips met mine again.


HAHAHAHA. Updaaaaaaaaate ;) it's short but whattteevvveeerr.

I love you , bye x

oh also babes. That video up top... is mine and my friends! We started a youtube channel and it would be amazing if you babes subscribed to us!!! Thank you <3

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