6. Return of the Knight

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"I’ve had crushes before, but it’s not the same
Something different about you, I can’t explain
Baby you’re making me insane" -Tori Kelly


The sun shined through my curtains. The birds chirped loudly.

Samuel sat on the couch as he yelled at the tv. "C'mon! Get in the fucking car and drive!" A few moments later he cheered. "Not today Satan!"

"Chill out." I laughed and flipped the page of my book.

"How do you read in here? It's a fucking nut show." Cj plopped herself on the couch next to Sam and stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"You're a nut show.." Sam teased her.

"Stop flirting." I groaned.

"Ew." They said at the same time.

"I can smell the sexual tension." I replied without looking up from my book.

"You're so gross. Stop." Cj cried.

"Sexual tension, my ass." Sam scoffed.

The doorbell rang.

We all looked at each other.

"We never get company." Sam panicked.

"Well go open it!" Cj laughed.

I dragged myself all the way to the front door and pulled it opened.

You know that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster?  Like when you feel your heart is falling out of your ass. Or some may feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach? Well that's exactly what i was feeling right now. But i wasn't too sure if it was the good feeling or the bad one.

"Emma." He stood there. As Handsome as ever. White t-shirt that covered his muscles, a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. His brown hair was messy but neat. His green eyes with specks of gold gazing intently into mine.

"Diego Knight. Weird to see you here.." I failed at sounding casual.

"Came back for summer vacation to find out that my brother is dead? Yeah...it's all pretty weird." He leaned against the porch and ran a hand over his face.

My heart raced as he brought Nick up. "You didn't know?" I stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind me.

He shook his head in disbelief. "When did it happen?"

"Almost a year ago.." I whispered.

"Fuck. My parents aren't talking to me. They're not even letting me in the house." He kicked himself off the wall. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm better actually..Luke has been helping me." I smiled when Luke's name escaped my mouth.

Diego stepped closer. "Why didn't you call me? I couldv'e helped."

"Diego..i loved Nick..not you." I looked up at his green eyes.

I met Diego before Nick. I liked Diego before i liked Nick. Weird, i know. As we grew up i fell for Nick and Diego hated me for it. He then moved to New York and he hasn't been seen since.

"I shouldn't have left. We couldv'e made things work.." He sighed.

"I'm with Luke now."

"He has always been crazy about you. Nick loved how much Luke admired you. It made him feel better about himself.." Diego chuckled lowly.

"I was so blind..i had no idea." I smiled.

"I'm still crazy about you. I'm back now...but you're clearly in love with someone else." He shrugged. "I could wait another 4 years."

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