13. Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes

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"You're so stupid for keeping your mouth shut, Emma."

"Samuel, don't talk to your sister like that."


"If you think we're all going to move on from this then you're wrong. You better speak up soon." Dad gave me a stern look.

The door opened. "Sorry I'm late." Diego shut the door behind him.

My body tensed when we made eye contact.

Luke clamped his hand on Diego's shoulder and gave him a sincere smile. "Thanks for coming, bro."

Diego gave his back a pat. "Don't worry about it." He came over to my side and held my hand. "How're you holding up, kiddo?"

My eyes flickered over to Luke whose eyes were glued on the hand that Diego was holding.

"Good. Thank you.." I replied at the same time Luke said, "She's good."

Diego nodded. "Are you going to tell us what happened?"

I tried to swallow the lump that had been stuck in my throat for the past weeks but failed miserably as a few tears streamed down.

"I would just really appreciate it if everyone but Cj, Sam, and Luke left. Please" I pleaded and rested my head on the pillow above me.

But nobody moved.

Cj clapped her hands. "You heard the woman!" She pointed to the door. "Out!" Everyone quickly scurried out.

"Why is it so hard to be me." I dramatically placed the back of my hand on my forehead.

"Diego is being extremely nice, don't ya think?" Cj hopped on the bed by my feet.

Luke chuckled. "He's just a nice guy."

"I want jello." Sam leaned back In his chair.

"Go get some from the cafeteria." I shut my eyes.

"I'll go with you!" Cj grabbed Sam's hand and left.

The room was silent with only the sound of my heart monitor beeping.

I wondered if things would be different if Nick was still alive. I was so stupid for leaving Luke's side that night.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke's deep but calming voice woke me out of my thoughts.

"How dumb I was for walking away from you that night.."

Luke brought my hand up to his lips. "It was my fault for not being with you. I somehow always screw everything up."

"It's not your fault." I smiled. "I'm okay now."

"Whoever did this to you is still out there though. That person could be hurting more people." Luke sighed in frustration.

A knock at the door disturbed out staring contest.

"How're you feeling today, Emma?" Dr. Maxwell checked my vitals.

"Honestly, I fell like a newborn. Can I go home yet?" I groaned.

"I think this is the safest place for you, Emma. Home is kind of hectic right now. Especially with your parents hiring all these investigators and the news finding out."

"You're kidding right?" I turned to look at Luke who was staring at the ceiling. "Luke!" I smacked his chest.

"Ow!" He rubbed it.

"How could you keep this from me?! It's serious shit!" My blood began to boil.

"It slipped my mind! But, this is good! We can find that bastard now!" Luke sighed then looked at the Doctor. "Doc, she can stay with me until everything dies down a bit. She'll be safe there."


Luke placed my bags on the bedroom floor.

"You know what this means right?" He smirked.

"No." I teased.

He squeezed my waist. "You can cook for me now."

"Riggggght." I narrowed my eyes.

"You thought I was going to say sex.." His eyes widened.

I immediately felt my red go from pale to tomato red. "No! What?! No. You're delusional."

"Remember when I walked into you and Nick having sex? I was so jealous."

I frowned. "I'm sorry. I know the feelings you had for Nick were incredibly strong."

"What can I say? I have a thing for curly hair." He winked and flicked a piece of my straight hair out of my face.  He walked out of the room. "It's unfortunate yours is so straight!" He yelled from the stairs.

"Come say it to my face punk!" I ran after him but instantly stopped when I saw Luke pinned on the wall by Diego.

"Bro, why are you doing this? Have you been watching WWE again?" Luke chuckled but I could see fear written all over his face.

"Why do you take everything I love away from me?" Diego clenched his fists.

"Diego.." I stepped down the stairs one by one which felt like an eternity. I placed my on his flexed forearm and felt it relax under my hand.

Diego turned to look at me with sorrow filled eyes. "Him, Emma? Really? You pick the guy who tortured you your whole life over me?"

"I am so fucking confused.." Luke threw his head back.

"Keep your mouth shut, Greyson!" Diego's voice roared as his fist flew into Luke's face.

"Diego please! Let him go!" I cried. "I'll do anything."

"Get in the car."

"What?" I whispered.

"Emma, no. Let him hurt me." Luke stared at Diego. "You did this to her didn't you?! You are so fucking pathe--"

Before Luke could finish, Diego threw him to the ground and hovered over him before pulling out a knife.

"I swear on her life that I will kill you." Diego threatened.

"Diego! You don't have to do this! I'll go with you! Just please don't hurt him.." I slowly walked closer to Diego.

Luke stared at me. "I'll be okay. Diego, go to the car..I'll come out. I promise.."

Diego stood up at faced me. "If you pull a little move, I'll come after you too." He walked out.

"Are you crazy?!" Luke wiped the blood that was running down from his nose. "I will not lose you again. I did not spend all those months searching for you just so you could be taken away again!"

"I have a plan. Just trust me on this, okay?" I squeezed his hand. "I will be back soon." I placed my lips on his.

He gripped my waist and pulled me as close as possible. His kisses became hungry as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I waited two months for that...don't make me wait two more.." I opened my eyes to find his closed shut. "What's your plan exactly?"

I played with the buttons on his shirt. "When did you know I was in love with you?"

"When you kissed me, why?" His eyes were fixed on my fingers, watching closely as I unbuttoned each button.

"I'm gonna make Diego Knight think I'm in love with him."

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