4. Haunted

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  • Dedicated to All of youuu <3

"Comfortable like an old sweater
Memorable, you just can't forget her
Starting over is the hardest thing to do
History has a way of repeating
Eventually we'll just do the same thing
Starting over is impossible with you" -Tyler Ward


"How could you do this to me Emma?" Nick ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"I can't be alone. He treats me so right Nick." I explained.

"Only because he feels bad for you. You think if i hadn't died he would want to be with you?" His frustration turned into anger.

"Why are you being like this?"

"He won't love you like i did. He won't treat you like i did. Nobody ever will Emma Heart."

I felt heat rise up in me. "Why can't you let me be happy? Why does everything have to be about you? I'm tired of feeling sad and empty. I want to move on so bad but you're holding me back." I cried.

A evil smirk formed on Nicks lips. "I once promised you i was never letting you go. I keep my promises."

"Please let me go Nick.."


Nick laughed and it sent shivers through my body.


The tears i tried to hold back ran down my face.

"Emma, baby." Someone shook me.

I jumped in my bed, my eyes open and met Luke's soft brown ones.

"W-what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.

Luke had a look of concern on his face. He ran his hand over my face. "Its 10 pm..you fell asleep during the movie and you started tossing and turning and saying Nick.."

The nightmare played in my head again. "Nick doesn't want us together."

"Does it matter what Nick wants?" Luke asked.

A sigh escaped my lips and i put my head on his chest. "Are you only doing this so i don't try to do something stupid?"

I felt Luke's chest vibrate from his chuckle. "No. I'm doing this because i want to.."

Because he wanted to. Not because Nick forced him to or because he felt bad for me.

"Nick was just so angry.." I looked up at him

"He's gone. It's just me and you now." His lips met mine.


I watched Cj as she dug her spoon into her overflowing cup of frozen yogurt. The chocolate fudged was dripping from the sides, the once gummy- gummy bears are now frozen and buried down in the yogurt. Catherine moaned as she put a spoonful in her mouth. I just stirred mine around and watched her in disgust.

"You eat like a pig." I pointed out.

"Do not insult my eating habits." She pointed her spoon at me. "I'm trying to practice for my future job." She grinned.

"Future job?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Man vs Food." She shrugged.

I opened my mouth to say something but of course Cj beat me to it.

"This ain't no American Idol, judge and i'll stuff this gummy bear up your nostril." Cj threatened.

I put my hands up in defense. "No judging here."

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