14. Fifty shades of Diego

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The sun was blazing through the car windows, making my naked thighs stick to the black- leather seats. Small beads of sweat were dripping on my forehead.

"Why aren't you eating?" Diego glanced over at me as he drove back to the hotel.

I picked up a fry from the small box that was on my lap and took a small bite. "Why don't we do something fun instead of sitting in a hotel room 24 hours a day?"

"Sitting is fun." Diego parked and got out of the car with me following behind.

Call me crazy, but this may actually work.

I jumped on the king sized bed and turned the tv on. Diego immediately took the spot next to me.

I turned to my side and faced him. "What?" He said in a monotone.

"Did you know that I had the biggest crush on you when I was like seven?" I poked his chest.

He swatted my hand away and shrugged.

"Why are you being such an ass?" I sat up in front of him and crossed my legs.  "This was your choice. We could've been out doing whatever the hell you do. You could've been back in New York, Diego. Why are you doing this?"

He looked me directly in the eye. His once light green eyes were now a shade of the darkest green I had ever seen. "It's either you're here or you're dead, Well maybe not you but your little boyfriend sure as hell would be. I know you're scared. I don't want you to be scared of me." His hand caressed my face and I tried hard not to flinch.

My eyes were squeezed shut. "Why are you doing this?"

"Nick asked me too."

My eyes shot open and he had an amused look on his face. "He wouldn't." I shook my head. "Luke told m--"

"God, you think that guy is so perfect, don't you?!" His voice roared through the room. "He told you what? That Nick told him to take care of you? To be there for you and to make you fall in love with him? Are you that stupid? You would really think that my dead little brother would want his girlfriend fucking his best friend?"

The thought had never ran through my head. Luke's love had blinded me and I possibly wasn't trying to think about the sticky situation we were in.

Ignore him, Emma. He's trying to make you hate Luke.

"But he would be completely fine with me fucking his brother right?" I swung my leg over and let it hang off the bed. "You need help Diego Knight." I said as I swung the other leg off and stalked to the bathroom.

Diego followed closely, as I knew he would. But, I was lucky enough to slam the door in his face before he got the chance to make a move.

His fist pounded against the wood. "C'mon, Emma. Stop acting like a child."

"I'm not acting like a child! You are! Holding me hostage? Really Diego? Real mature."  I grabbed my phone and dialed the number I knew by heart.

"Fuck you." Diego shouted as he slammed what I was assuming he slammed, the front door.

"Hey." His voice greeted me and gave me butterflies as I imagined myself with him.

"Did you know that it's 108 degrees in Arizona at the moment? I'm literally sitting on the bathroom floor trying to cool myself with tap water." I sighed and blew a strand of hair that was hanging out of my pony tail, out of my face. "I'm about to get naked."

"Are you really laughing right now? This is no time to joke around.." His voice was low. I could see him now, clenched jaw, eyes closed, shaking his head.

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