7. Spring Break, bitches.

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(Not edited)

"It's gunna be a wild, wild, wild weekend. Yeah.
We been needing this for a long, long time." -Luke Bryan

The crunchy, cold sand beneath my feet felt amazing. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks was like music to my ears. The arms that were wrapped me felt like home.

"I wish we could live like this forever." Cj slumped her shoulders.

"What are you talking about? This is practically what our life consists of." Samuel bugged.

"Yeah, but then we have to go back to that hell hole the next day." Mitch pointed out.

A small laugh escaped my lips as I turned my head to watch the sunset.

"She's a beauty isn't she?" Like murmured against my neck.

I sighed. "Nick and I used to do this." My head turned to face him. "Come down to the beach. We would watch the sunset and just lay here until all the stars appeared."

A small smile appeared on Luke's face.
"Do you think this was all a plan? Gods plan, I mean."

"Maybe. You know..Nick has always been sick."

"What do you mean by always?" I looked back at the sunset.

"He had cancer years before it spread like a wildfire. He was always too afraid to tell you. He would tell me that if he died, he would want me to be here for you. I would joke about it...say that it would never happen because I would never be into such an obnoxious, self centered person like you." He winked.

"Yeah? And what changed?" I leaned further into him.

"The eight grade dance. You walked into the room with the biggest smile on your face. It was like a movie, and yes I've watched sappy movies,"

I laughed.

"You just looked so beautiful."

"Until my dress ripped and Anne Carpenter and her clan didn't let me forget that for the rest of the night...or well the rest of the year." My dad had bought me the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on. He told me he didn't care about the price, he told me to go crazy and pick whichever one I wanted.

"Hey, we got a pretty good view." Luke smirked.

I scoffed and elbowed him. "Such a perv."

"You love it."

"Beat that bitches! Oh wait no one can because I'm the queen of beer pong!" Cj did a full 360 as she yelled out to everyone in the room with a very manly voice before chugging down a cup of beer.

Sam rubbed his temples as he rolled his eyes. "Can't fucking deal with you."

Like was with a couple of the guys from the football team so I decided to take a breather.

The breeze hit me as I made my way out to the pool. I dunk my bare feet in and rocked to the music.

"Mind if I sit?" The voice made me jump.

"Diego, don't scare me like that." I placed a hand over my heart and felt it beat 500 miles per hour.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "Forgot how easy it was to scare you." He sat next to me and held out a red cup.

My eyes flickered down to it then back at him.

"Oh c'mon, do you really think I would drug this?" He brought the cup closer to me.

I shook my head. "Of course not." I grabbed the cup and took a sip. A small cough escaped as the liquid burned my throat.

"You've never been too fond of liquor."

"And yet here you are trying to get me drunk." I teased.

"Not drunk. Just trying to loosen you up a bit." He nudged me.

"Are you saying I'm uptight?" I leaned back to get a better view of him.

"Hey, you said it." Diego put his hands up in defense.

"I'll prove that I'm not uptight!" I brought the cup to my lips and chugged the drink without thinking.

"Woah there princess. You didn't need to prove anything." Diego laughed and leaned forward.

"Okay maybe it was a bad idea..i am such a lightweight." I gave him a lopsided smile. "Did you get me liquor with juice or juice with liquor?" Believe it or not I drop of alcohol gave me an instant buzz. I was never really a drinker because of this.

Diego laughed and draped his arm around my shoulder. "Just enjoy this. Do you trust me?" He smiled.

His face became fuzzy and I reached out to touch it. "Yeah...why wouldn't I trust you?" I looked back down at the water. My head began pounding and my body began feeling numb.

"You don't look too good."

"I should probably go find Luke." My voice sounded deep and distant. I began pushing myself up but failed.

Diego caught me in his arms. "I got you. I'll give you a lift..I'm sure Greyson will understand." He picked me up and began walking out through the back door.

I groaned and tried pushing myself off of him. "I need Luke." My feet dragged against the pavement.

"Calm down." Diego whispered. "You'll be fine!"

My breathing began getting heavy. I felt drops of sweat falling down my face. "Luke!" I tried to yell.

"You're making this so much harder than it has to be." And with a single bang in the head, everything went black.

How freaking short is this. So disappointing, I'm sorry.

But, I had to make up for being gone for so long! I'll update tonight AGAIN (;


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