16. Goodnight, Knight.

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The sky was covered with dark clouds. It was all like a movie scene. Completely and utterly unreal.

"The fact he put us through hell and you still show up is so like you." Lucas tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "One of the many reasons I love you."

My eyes met his as I felt my heart race a million miles per hour. Through it all, through all the pain and torture Lucas was capable of making me feel fearless. No, he didn't save me. He helped me find myself and helped me become stronger. Stronger than ever before and for the first time in a very long time I was finally feeling the love I know I deserved.

We stood around the dirt pile. Quiet sobs were coming from left and right of me.
I carefully picked up a white rose and rested my palms against the cold black casket. I placed the rose on top as I let out a sigh.

"Diego Knight will be remembered as the incredible individual he was before this tragedy. He is know resting peacefully with his brother." Mr. Knight looked at me. "He loved every single one of you. He was kind, intelligent, and had a big heart."

I heard Lucas scoff next to me. His hands dug into the front pockets of his jeans, his eyes staring at the swaying trees that were on the far end of the cemetery.

"Thank you all for being here and supporting our family." Mrs. Knight gave everyone a sympathetic smile.

I decided to stick around as everyone went their own way. Lucas left to work and told me he would make it up later with Disney movies and Chinese. I, of course, couldn't say no to that.

I sat down on the moist grass and set a couple of flowers on the shiny headstone.

Flash Back

"Hiyaaaaa!" I jumped on Nick's back and he tumbled to the ground.

"Don't do that!!!!" Nick groaned and rubbed his head.

"Guys, can we please go! It's really scary here...." Catherine flashed her flashlight around the grave.

"You're such a baby Cj." Lucas Huffed and closed the Ouja Board.

"I am not! I turn twelve next month." She crossed her arms.

Nick and I sat behind a tree and began to read two headstones that were next to each other.

"They died together." I sighed dreamily. "How romantic."

"That's romantic to you? Dying?" Nick pointed the flashlight towards me.

I yanked it from his hand and flashed it up at the sky. "Dying with you true love is. I'm sure they lived a long happy life.."

"I don't believe in true love."

"Don't say that, Nicholas"

"My parents are a perfect example, Em. They never loved each other." His eyes had a hint of sadness. Every since his parents split, it's like his heart was ripped out. He turned cold and quiet.

"I love you." I smiled. "Like a friend or uh, a brother I guess!" I ruffled his hair.

"Lets keep it that way.." He chuckled.


"Crazy how things turn out huh?" I dusted the leaves off of Nick's headstone. "I didn't think I would love you as much as I do now."


"You're my angel. I know you're with me every day. There's not a day where I don't think about you Nick." A small gust of wind blew causing me to bring my jacket closer to my body. "Luke misses you." I laugh a little then sighed.

"Thank you. For letting me fall in love again. For feeling safe and never alone. I love you. Always have and always will."

Being with Nick made me feel butterflies.
Being with Lucas make me feel sparks.
Nick was my first love.
Lucas will be my last.

It's crazy how someone can make you feel so put together. As if you've been this perfect specimen on earth for all of your existence.

I love this. I never want this feeling to go away.

I'm happy. I feel extraordinary and I wish this feeling upon everyone.

Safe. That's how I feel at this very moment.


The end xoxo

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