2. Call Me Big Poppa

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"Your touch, your skin,
Where do I begin?
No words can explain the way I'm missing you
Deny this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside
These tears, they tell their own story" -Sam Smith


Emma Heart;

I groaned as the sun rose and gleamed through my curtains.

Dear sun, why are you so happy all the fucking time?

"I love it when you call me big poppa, throw your hands in the air, if yous a true playa."

The covers were yanked off my body and there stood a half naked Samuel wearing a hat, sunglasses, and two gold chains around his neck.

Two chainz. Insert laugh here.

"Call me big poppa." He grinned.

"You're kidding right?" I kicked his chest and yanked my blankets back up to my body.

"It's 5 pm. Madre said to wake you up so you could eat." I felt my bed sink in and figured he had sat down.

"Food can wait. Sleep is good." I mumbled into my pillow.

Sam sighed. "Not if you've been in bed without eating or maybe even showering for almost two months, Emma Heart."

Two months. Two fucking months since he passed.

"I smell fine. Now leave...please."

The door slammed then opened again.

"For Christ sake Sam. Please just leave me alone!" I cried in frustration and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Smells like shit in here." The blankets were pulled off again. "Up we go."

"Wait, wh--"

Luke threw me over his shoulder and began walking to the bathroom.

"You"punch, "Idiot" punch, Let" punch, "Me" punch, "Go!"

Luke turned the shower on and threw me in.

As soon as the water hit me I screamed.

Luke cringed. "Chill out."

"Oh, i'm chill alright. Like literally chill."
I glared at him.

"Just take a shower Emma."

I stared at down at my food. Disgusted by the sight and smell.

A hand rubbed my back.

"C'mon..just a little." Luke whispered.

Ever since Nick passed, Luke has been there. Believe it or not, we cried together when it all happened. He has been been glued to my side, watching every move I make. It's like everyone is just waiting for the day i go mad. Like they expect me to kill myself or something.

It just still hasn't hit me that he's actually gone.

"Stop thinking about it, Em."

I glared at Luke. "Don't tell me what to do."

"Don't get feisty with me either." He glared back.

"Go home, Greyson." I pushed my chair out and walked upstairs.

"I'm not gonna deal with your shit, Emma Heart." He shouted from downstairs.

"Then don't!" I shouted back and slammed the door.

I flopped on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

3 summers ago;

The sun was blazing on the sand, making us run faster to the water.

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