12. Sealed Lips

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* Two Months Later*

She stared at me with her big blue eyes.

Please be okay.

She said something but I couldn't hear anything that came out of her mouth.

Talk to me.

I reached out to her but met a glass window. Emma panicked and started screaming. A dark figure walked up next to her and just stared.

It grabbed her and vanished.


"Emma." I cried.

The room began to shake.

"Luke wake up!" Sam's voice roared through the room.

I shot up and looked around the room. Sweat was dripping from my head.

Sam's face was serious.

"What happened?"

"They found her.."


We all sat in the waiting room. The hospital smell was nauseating. Nobody had said a word to each other since we got here.

Nobody was allowed to see her, only her family of course.

Sam walked out and we all stood up.

"Well?!" Cj shouted.

"She's alive but not good." He took the seat next to me and sighed. "They found her in an old warehouse and she was unconscious. They said she's dehydrated and in a critical condition. It's so weird seeing her just laying there. It's not Emma." His voice cracked a little.

Sam's POV

She had tubes sticking in her mouth. Her skin paler than usual. It was weird being with her but everything being dead silent. Usually, being in the same room as Emma, it was nothing but laughter.

I pulled up a chair next to the bed as my parents pulled up chairs to the other side. Mom instantly grabbed Emma's hand and sobbed. Dad rubbed her back and whispered things, trying to calm her down.

I grabbed her hand and froze, not expecting it to be freezing cold. Emma squeezed my hand back which caused me to look up.

Her eyes we open but emotionless. Before any of us could say anything to her they closed again.

Luke's POV

"You have to let me see her."

"I'm sorry Lucas, but it's family only." The lady typed away.

"I'm her brother!"

She sighed and finally looked at me. "You said you were her boyfriend."

"I'm sorry I have some brain shit going on but I'm not her boyfriend." I sighed in defeat. "Look, I lost my best friend. I can't lose my girlfriend too." The thought of losing Emma was unbearable. I swear to god I will find the person who did this to her and kill them myself.

"Room 21 E. Second floor."

"Thank you so much." I sped walked to the elevator.

Hurry the fuck up. I punched all the buttons as if that was a way to make this thing go faster. The elevator doors open and the cold gush of air made chills run down my spin. I walked down the hallway and looked at every number on the door.

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