1. The Beginning & The End

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"You're my bright blue sky
You're the sun in my eyes
Oh baby, you're my life
You're the reason why" -Christina Perri


I placed his hand in mine. God, this felt so weird. Watching him lay in a bed, so still.

"Please, don't look at me." He begged. His voice barely audible. His eyes closed.

I stifled a laugh."How'd you know?" I brought his hand up to my lips and placed a gentle kiss on his cold knuckles.

"You watch people like a hawk." He coughed. "It's kind of creepy."

I gasped. "You're such an ass, even when you're sick."


2 years ago

* Nick was scared. His hand was shaking as i held it. His skin was pale and cold.

"Hey.." I whispered.

He turned his head to look at me. "Please tell me this is all just a nightmare." He had a look of desperation on his face.

How i wished that i could take all his pain and fear away. Damn, sometimes i wished i was a werewolf so i could just remove all the pain.

"You'll survive this. You're the strongest person i know. Don't let this cancer beat you."

"It already has.." Nick cried.

I had only seen Nick cry once before. And that was when we were 7.

"I need you more than ever, Emma. Please don't give up on me, okay?" *

2 years later and im still here.

"Nicolas, chill the fuck out. You're not dying man." Entered the most annoying person placed on this earth. Ladies and gentlemen i present to you, Lucas Gayson.

Okay, it's Greyson not Gayson, but same shit.

"But if you do can i have all your expensive shit?" He bumped Nick's shoulder.

The thought of Nick dying always killed me.

"Please don't say that.." I held onto to Nick's hand tighter.

Nick glared at Lucas but he just smirked like that ass he is.

"Nice of you to show your face Luke." smiled Nick.

The way Nick's face lit up when his bestfriend was around made me happy. He loved Luke. Luke loved him, although he could be a huge douche most of the time. They were complete oppisites.

Nick was a gentlemen, the guy your parents wanted their little girl to end up with, a clear definition of Prince Charming. He was just so perfect.

Lucas on the other side was a pig, a man whore. He was rude, impolite, a true nightmare.

But, they brought the best in eachother.

Luke and I were never really fond of eachother. He claimed that i took his bestfriend away when i was the one who literally grew up with Nick.

"Baby?" Nick's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Is Gayson bothering you? Because i can call security in a hea--"

His cold lips met mine. They tasted like medicine and apple juice. I still couldn't get enough of this.

"i needed that." He said when he pulled away.

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