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Christopher and I panted for air as we finally reached the edge of the long bridge, as we had ran the whole way. We raced, I'd say, and I won. When I had reached the bridge, Christopher was far behind. I bent down, resting my palms on my knees and breathed deeply; laughing. He tore down the uneven road and bumped into me, pushing me down on the ground and he fell on top of me.

Thud. Thud.

We both fell down. Basically I was hurt, because he fell down on me. But I didn't mind it. His touch was mesmerising. Though I struggled to push him back, I wanted him there pressed to me. People on the streets stared at us like we were mad-hatter's new allies, but we didn't care.

"Ughh!" I pushed him upward with all my might, "Get up you, boy!" I laughed. I laughed at his slight touch, I laughed when we ran, I laughed at our small talks; I simply laughed at everything when he was near.

Gosh! He makes me laugh, man.

And it felt good; I have forgotten to laugh lately. I stopped laughing and instead, looked at Christopher's laughing face. It was so beautiful, like without any flaw. I blushed a little as I pushed a strand of my hair back behind my ears. He got up and I sat upright on my butt. Then, he held my hands and pulled me up too. And he laughed, staring at me.

"Wh- what?" I asked him, hunching my shoulders up a little.

He shook his head and smiled, with two dimples at the edges of his lips. It was the most charming and cutest smile I'd ever been given. "Has anyone ever mentioned about how cute you look when you smile?" I blushed a little.

Why does he do that to me? Why, is he flirting?

The wind blew low, tugging at our clothes and blowing out my hair into a mouldy hay. I struggled to keep my skirt in place while my hair blew in all directions. I couldn't see. Right then, Christopher brought fort his hands and brushed off my hair from my face. It felt so good, so peaceful, I can't explain. He then cupped my cheeks with his hand. I felt a zing. My body shivered, I was trembling all of a sudden. The wind had stopped, but I was trembling. And at the same time, I was blushing. With cheeks as red as a tomato, I tore my gaze from his hazel eyes and looked down; his hands pressed on my right cheek, my eyes closed in pleasure.

Then, there was complete silence again. We didn't speak, but it was as if our hearts did. I could feel his eyes bore down on me, as if examining my face, and I could feel my face heating up more and more. His touch was enough, I forget about the castle. I remembered then, and I jerked back.

"You okay?" He asked me, holding me by my shoulders, a tensed look on his face.

"I think we should proceed to the castle, or else I m gonna be late." I informed him.

He smiled and nodded, "Sure, we should!" And again, we walked across the bridge to the Castle of Good Deeds with our arms locked together.


It was rather a long bridge to cover walking on my slender legs. I got tired too easily, panting for breathes whenever possible. I'd hear Christopher chuckle, looking down at me when I'd stop and hold my knees. That makes me blush, but I shrugged and revived my walk again. At times, he would tickle me and watch me laugh and fall over in tickles. Then, he quickly runs some steps forward. When I'd realize it, I'd get up and run too. This way, it was rather of a competition of who will reach the castle-gate first and I didn't realize that in no time, we were standing in front of the huge castle. I gasped. That castle was one of a thing, boy! Huge and extremely dangerous! I gasped again while my head raised up to look at the peak of the enormous castle. My breathes were heavy. There was a red flag perched at the top most tower.

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