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"You!" I gasped, my eyes rising up. I was lost, completely lost. And who wouldn't be, if the Prince of Spine was standing right in front of your eyes, in front of your cottage? Surely everyone would!

"Then it is Miss Rose," he smirked. Christopher was dressed up, as usual, in a princely attire. Deep dark shirt covering his body bought out the fairness of his face, the blue pants adding to the charm. Behind him stood a white horse, a red saddle attached to it's back. He looked . . . so beautiful that for a second, I almost forgot to breath.

"Yes, yes it is, indeed. But wh-what are you doing here all alone?" I said, after finally catching my breath.

He smiled, running a hand through his hair, one hand holding the horse's rein. "Uh, I-I just-" he couldn't finish his sentence as right then, Elizabeth stomped out the door.

"Sarah, are you-? Eliza shouted, carrying little fluffy on her arms. I turned around to look at her. But she mouthed a 'oops' and again, walked inside the cottage.

"Hey," Christopher called out and I turned to face him, "would you, by any chance, like to give me a tour of this forest?" He asked me. What? I gaped at him. Could this be any worse? My heart was pumping hard, my soul was jumping her heart out and I didn't know if I should feel happy or sad. But as every time, my mouth gave away the answer before I cvpuld consider any more.

"Yeah, sure. Please, I'd like to!" I said, a little excited. "Eliza! I m going out for some time!" I shouted, to let Eliza know I was out, not caring whether she heard or not.Then, with oner swift movement, Christopher yanked me off the ground and put me up on his horse. I was completely shaken by his move and I sat on the horse's back, panting for air. A few seconds later, Christopher was behind me, his body pressed to mine as he leaned forward to grab the reins. He tugged at the rein and with swiftness, the horse neighed and took us further. I trembled every single time his body tounched mine, and the road being bumpy, there were more trembles. Sometime, he would even touch my hand, or my shoulder and I blushed tomato red. At those moments, I was glad that I was sitting in front of him.

Christopher leaned forward, his nose brushing against my hair, making me shiver. He nibbled at my ear and I moaned. Sarah! Snapping at myself, I shoved Christopher back. I clearly knew his intentions, and I wasn't going to give myself to him so easily. He mumbled to himself, putting his arms around my waist. I squirmed at his touch, it was uneasy. To distract myself and him, I started talking.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, pushing his hands back. He was strong, extremely strong. As I pushed, his grip tightened. I flinched. What was he thinking? Seducing me? I may not have met a man before or been involved with one, but Eliza have told me enough stories about girls being seduced by good-looking man and thrown away on the streets. I never believe her stories though, but I knew how to protect myself. And also, I knew how to lift stones too.

"I came here to hunt," he said, his voice extremely low.

"Hunt?" I asked, pushing his hands back, "without gaurd?"

Giving up, he took his hands back and sat up, "Yes, I like to hunt alone," he said. Relief, no one was pressing against me anymore.

"Oh, why?"

"I don't know," he said, "where are you gonna take me anyway?" He quickly changed the subject. Something about him seemed weird, like he was not the same as when I first met him. His actions were bizzare for a prince, it feared me. Just then, I had an idea.

"What's the time now, can you tell?" I asked.

"Ummm," he thought, "when I got out of the castle, it was past ten. It took me about two hours to get here. Probably its about one in the afternoon, you know, considering the time I took to find you and talk to you."

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