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Sunlight poured through the small windows, falling on my eyes. I blinked several times, trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light. I jolted upright as pain throbbed through my head. My eyes wandered through the room, unable to recall where I was and what had really happened. Then carefully, I slid out from under the blanket and stretched.

Suddenly, flashbacks from the previous day came jolting back to my mind. I remembered every single thing that had happened. Right from the minute the sky turned dangerously dark; then how a huge man had vigorously followed her; till the moment she had used magic from the fingers and vanished the predator.

Magic, I remembered myself. I had used 'magic'.

I noticed that my hands were uncontrollably shaking violently and my movements became jerky. I felt detached, as if it was all some sort of fantasy.

"Sarah!" an alarmed voice came from a distance. Elizabeth. It again brought some sort of optimism into me. But I was so weak that I was about to fall. My head was wandering afar. Eliza had to run to get a hold of me.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked in an urgent voice, holding me in place. I just managed to nod in a feeble reply. Struggling to keep us both from falling down, Elizabeth unbelievably lifted me and put me back on the bed again. But at that moment, I was not in the condition to ask these silly questions. So j remained silent until i had the right time to ask the right questions Covering me up with the blanket, she rubbed my forehead and asked, "Are you alright, Sarah?"

"I think so...... " I replied; my voice still feeble.

Lying limp on the bed, I stared at the ceiling, while Eliza rubbed my wound with medicine. I closed my eyes, remembering unusual things of the previous day. Things like magic. At that thought, I jumped upright in bed. Elizabeth shot back with shock.

"Elizabeth! I have used magic!" I explained with sheer curiosity.

Eliza's eyes were wide open, not much but they were open in shock. She hesitated to answer me at first, but then she replied, "No. That was just......... uhh....... thunder you see"

Thunder? How could that be thunder? All I knew was that Elizabeth was lying.

"No! That couldn't be thunder! It came right out of my finger-tip and it hit that man and he vanished!" I shouted this time, ready to argue. Whatever it was that Eliza didn't want to tell me.... but I was none to stay back and let someone win. I knew the truth, I saw it with my own eyes, how could she tell it was thunder? Surely, Elizabeth was lying.

"I tell you that was thunder Sarah. I saw it with my own eyes. Thunder struck that man the same moment you shouted. And this way, it seemed to you as if you had used magic!" Elizabeth said in one breathe.

Now see, these were the little things that make me believe that Elizabeth is a kidnapper. Can't she just tell the truth and get over it?

"No! That wasn't thunder! You are lying to me!" I snapped at her.

"You don't understand Sarah" Eliza shook her head, "that was thunder."

Just as I popped my mouth to say another word, Elizabeth moved her right hand to my forehead and chanted some words I quiet didn't understand. A faint blue light glowed between her hand and my forehead; the same sapphire color as that of my pendant. I felt feeble. My eyes went blurry. Suddenly, my mind was wandering somewhere and I couldn't remember a thing. As Elizabeth moved her hand away, rubbing through the parse scar on my forehead, I slumped to the bed again. Soon, unconsciousness took over me.


Late in the afternoon, I woke up again with a heavy head. As I lifted it from the pillow, pain throbbed throughout the entire body. I clutched my head and tried to remember what had caused such pain. But to my dismay, I couldn't remember a thing!

Slowly, I stood upright on my legs and walked towards the next room to find Elizabeth. My movements were jerky again. I couldn't walk properly and I had search for support to keep me standing. I walked some distance, but then, my fragile legs could no more carry my profound body. I grabbed a table edge nearby and gradually sat on the floor.

"Elizabeth?" I cried.

Suddenly out of the blue, Eliza appeared in front of me. Her face was gladdened with joy at seeing me, but a hint of sorrow and horror showed.

"Sarah!" she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness! Look at you!" she cried. Then holding me by my waist, she slowly lifted me up and walked me to the bed. There, she laid me on the bed carefully and covered me up with the blanket again.

I didn't sit up again to argue or ask her anymore questions. The truth was, I didn't remember a single thing at that time. Whatever was happening, I continuously prayed for it to end. And either way, I had had too much for a day. But for then, my sleeping was maybe the right option for both Elizabeth and me. Tiredness took over me. Darkness soon swallowed me in its clutches.

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