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The sweet chirp of the birds and the voice of rippling water woke me up too early in the morning. Blinking my eyes open, all I saw was darkness around me. My eyes were sore, and it hurt while opening. The revelations of previous night were still hovering around my brain. I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling, hands crossed at my chest. I sighed, thinking about  the new life that was beginning that day.

"Sarah! Wake up -"

"Yes, Eliza, I m already awake!" I answered before Eliza could finish her sentence. The flowing water stopped and I heard footsteps come towards my room. Turning my head to the door I saw Elizabeth, fully dressed and bathed, standing at the doorway, leaning on the pane.

"Wow," she exclaimed with a smile, crossing her hands, "you woke up early today." 

Probably for her, nothing had happened. Seeing her there, it thrusted more pressure on my brain as I tried to figure out the truth. I sat up on my bed, wiping away my dried tears. Eliza sat next to me, holding me by my shoulder.

"Oh, honey," she whispered, "I m so sorry," she said leaning down. I looked up at her, my eyes filling with water. Oh no, I didn't want to start the day by crying, please. I pursed my lips, holding back tears.

"Why are you sorry?"

She sighed, "I don't know, its just, I feel bad for everything that is happening."


"You know, you are so young that it hurts to see me putting a burden on you!" Her tone was sad. She was worried, for me. My heart warmed up. A smile spread across my face a d the tears automatically dried up. Cupping her left cheek with my right hand, I assured her, "I m old enough to know about all these, Eliza. I m nineteen already, and I can take whatever burden I have to take. If this is what I have been born for, I have to accept it, right?"

Eliza's eyes beamed at me, "Wh-yo-you mean, you don't want to run away or, you know, curse this life or pray god to make you normal?"

A sheer laughter escaped my mouth, sometimes, Eliza could be such a kid. "You thought I was gonna run away?"

Eliza blushed with embarrassment, "Ye-yes," she managed to say. I dropped on the bed, I was laughing so hard. Eliza frowned, "You could've ran away!" She complained. I wiped away the tears that came out laughing.

I sat up again, "Oh Eliza!" I touched her shoulder, "I m never going to leave you, alright? Never, ever. Even if you tell me you can see ghosts!" I consoled her. Elizabeth's face lit up again. She nodded and stood up.

"Well, now get out of the bed and clean yourself. After that, there is breakfast laid on the table. Eat it and come out to the main door," she walked to the door of my room, "you remember we have start practicing, right? Your training?"

"Yes, I do," I replied. Eliza walked out of my room with a nod before shouting, "Don't be late but!" After that, I sat on my bed for a few more seconds. I sighed, getting ready for a new day. Probably, my instincts told me, probably this new life was not going to be so bad.


The breakfast table was laid with delicious food, cooked by Eliza. It was the first time in a while when we two were having a proper laid breakfast. All these days, either I was asleep or away breaking rules or getting swooned by the Prince. Those days, as I imagined, were long gone. I knew it from that very day I used magic to vanish that men in the middle of the forest that I was not anything normal. And my guess was right too. Eliza had said that I was precious, now I knew what she actually meant.

I sat down on my chair, next to Elizabeth, all bathed and wearing a peach long skirt and white camisole.

"Eat," Eliza commanded once we were seated. I took the small bread rolls, special dish of Eliza, and started digging in. Eliza did the same. We ate in silence.

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