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When the morning light seeped through the curtains, my eyes flickered open, remembering about the previous night's nearly-murdered case. My head was heavy as I haven't slept much. All I could think of was just two things - Christopher's unexplained, mystery kiss and the man who came to kill me. Why? That was the only question on my head; 'Why?'. The question just lingered on my brain, unanswered. Sighing, I sat up on my and stretched. It was amazing how early I took to waking up. It was almost two weeks from the revelations, but nothing have changed since, except my life. Probably, that was a big change itself.

Just as I yawned, sitting on my bed, Eliza Burt's through the doors. "Sarah!" She shouted. She straled me by her entry and I jumped, a low scream escaping my mouth. She stopped when she saw me crounced on the bed, eyes wide. "Oh, you are awake soon," she said.

"Yes, I m." I replied, resting a bit and yawned.

"Seems to me that you didn't sleep well yesterday night," she said.

"Yes, actually I couldn't," I said.

Elizabeth sat on the edge of my bed, next to me. "Why, what had you upset?" I kept silent. What could I answer anyway? I couldn't tell her about the kiss, could I? No way. And probably, she would avoid talking about the killer that was stacked below my bed. Without an answer, I kept my mouth shut, my head hanging low.

"What? Tell me," she insisted. I bit my lips but didn't answer. How could I? If I told her what all I did with Christopher, she would yell at me, or rather, kill me.

"It is Christopher, isn't it?" She suddenly asked. I quickly jerked my head up, staring into her face with wide eyes. She was smiling, not angry.

"What? No! No . . . no!" My words stumbled with each other. I knew my face was red and that Eliza could see it too, but I couldn't help it.

Eliza smiled, "You like him don't you?" She asked me. I gaped at her.

"Wh-how-why?" I blurted, my eye brows raised high, "what? Why did you ask? How'd you know?!"

"I can tell. You do right?"

"No!" I blurted. Eliza chuckled, shifting closer to me.

"See, its not bad to like someone. Your heart falls in love, even when it is not right, even if that person is not right. And its completely okay to be the victim. But, be careful not to give away yourself. You will be hurt at the end," she explained. I didn't understand what she was linking to but she answered my question, "I m not saying Christopher is bad. It just, her doesn't seem good either."

"What do you mean?"

"You see, your mother would never want you to end up with a boy like him."

Oh. I wasn't giving away easily. "And what kind of boy is he?"

Eliza pursed her lips; the usual sadness returning to her chubby face. There, why do I always end up doing that? "I cannot tell you everything, Sarah, I cannot," she sighed, "just remember, the truth is always something else." I nodded knowing that arguing with Eliza was not going to win me anything. That was why I usually avoid it. Last time I argued, I ended up being some descendant of Esmeralda. God knows what I'll turn to next.

I won't argue, but I wanted answers. "I don't understand you, Eliza. Its like I know you, yet, I don't know you," I said matter-of-factly.

She sighed, "What do you expect me to do then?"

Expect? What did I expect? I was unsure of my answer, but if she was going to tell, I should ask too. Thinking about that, I said, "I expect you to tell me about you, about me. You see, I don't know why I stay here with you or where I came from; I don't even know about my own father and mother! Its like-like I don't even know myself, and you! Maybe, just maybe, you can tell me all these because of course, there has to be a reason behind all these right? You seem so familiar, like you are someone to me, but I just can't figure out. You don't tell me anything about you, let alone about me!"

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