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Hello readers, supporters and friends,

Reign has finished. I know. But at the same time, it hasn't. I have planned a sequel!! *squeals* hehe! Anyway, yea, I have decided to continue it as there is so much to be revealed. Don't you wanna meet Annabeth's mother? The queen and king? Don't you wanna know what happens next? Or about what the Dark Shade is gonna do next? I don't know about you, but I surely do want to know. *and I'm the writer here*.

So yeah, I have it planned out (or so I think). And its gonna be published sometime next year. I believe you guys can wait that long, can't you? *insert evil laugh here*!! I'm so crazy!


And I just wanted to thank everyone, like every single one out there who took out the time to comment and vote. You don't know how it means to me. Also, thanks for taking up Reign to #129 in Historical Fiction! I was so happy then :) And thanks for giving me 3k + reads which I never thought was possible! You guys rock!!

So well, I guess that's all. I'll meet you all in the sequel and I hope you'll support me there too. If not, then its alright :)

Stay strong,

P.S. Check out the 'Reign' doodle art I did in the media. How's it? ^^

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