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Every thing inside was peaceful and calm but dark and murky. Though I didn't like the environment around me, I still went inside to the town, to the castle as my instincts told me to. I was merely scared; scared because I have never ever visited some place all alone.

I walked slowly, reminding myself to keep one foot in front of the other. People stared at me like I was some star. It was obvious though; I was like the only one amongst all the men and women that wore colorful clothes. It was awakard at first, but I adjusted to it later.

After a few minutes of walking through the attention, I finally was a few more feet away from the doors of the castle. There were prespiration on my forehead. I wiped them away and took to staring at the magnificient castle.

The castle was bigger than what it looked from the cottage. It was a bit yellowish-brown with ugly patches at the sides, but it was still beautiful some way. It was beyond words to explain it's structure, it was large. Royalty was not seen anywhere, but I stared at it like it was gold. I started to get those nauseating feelings again; my stomach churned and My mind swirled around. My neck was craned upwards as I walked forward, taking rounds of the castle from outside the boundary. I was so much into it that I forgot what I was doing and where I was going. And that's when I bumped into a large muscular figure.

Our shoulders collided and he sent my flying down to the ground. But luckily, he caught me by my waist before my body could touch the floor. I jerked, uneasy at the presence of a man. But he was something!

Gosh! Gosh! Gosh!

I gulped as my eyes met his hazel eyes. They were big; in a charming way though, and they looked straight into my soul. His mouth was hung open a little, so was mine. Never in my life had I seen such a beautiful figure like his. His fairly shaven face was just inches away from mine. The way his big hands reasted on my waist sent chills down my spine. He was muscular and his shoulders were out in a hot way. If men were as handsome as him, I didn't mind bumping into them always.

"Are you alright?" He asked me in his deep manly voice as he pulled me up in my legs. But I was staring at him, lost in my own thoughts. He seemed familiar; something about his looks made me think I saw him before.

God! Who is he?

He asked me again, shaking me a little when at first I didn't reply, "Are you okay?" I nodded a reply.

Then we remained silent, gazing into each other's souls. It was as if our hearts were speaking. The feelings he gave me were much more weird than the ones the castle gave me. I didn't know what were those feelings, but it was clearly something I haven't felt before. He was dressed in brown trousers that hugged his legs tight, with black shiny boots that covered his legs till his knee. His upper body was covered in a navy shirt, with a red-wine over-coat. This made him look like an angel, what with his brown hair falling over his eyes. If not an angel, he was a prince; that I was somewhat sure of.

"So, are you from around here?" He asked me, breaking the awakard silence between us and my thoughts. It was then that I noticed his hands were still around my waist, and we both were dangerously closed.

"Yes... no! No no... I mean, I m from Spine but not from around here! Its uhh...." I fumbled out carp. He made me nervous afterall. I closed my eyes and threw my hands up in the air in embarrassment. But he smiled. Killer smile: that's what I'd label his smile as. It was devilish, yet for me, it was an incredible thing. I smiled along with him.

"Are you making fun of me?" I asked him.

He laughed. My cheeks burnt up in flames, I blushed madly. Surely, I didn't know what else to say to a man. I mean, I have never encountered with one before. Then how could I? I stood there simply laughing along with him, looking like a dumb maid.

"You fascinate me you know!" He exclaimed in between his laughs. His face was red as a tomato, and that made him look too cute. I grinned and blushed.

"I do?" I asked him, a little shy. I heard somewhere that guys like shy girls. But why was I trying to impress a guy who I have just met a few minutes ago?

"Yes yes... you surely do!" He still laughed. I smiled. "So, you want to go sit somewhere and talk? Maybe I can take to know you better?" He asked me.

I thought for a few minutes. Time was slowly moving anyways, and it was not as if I had to hurry. Also, who knows that I may never meet him again. So, who's gotta lose anyways?

"Sure!" I said, excited.

He put his arms out in a round way and signalled me to thrust my arm inside it. I did so and with our arms locked together, we walked away to find some peaceful place to sit and know each other better.


"So, you are not from here right?" He asked me.

We finally found a perfect place to sit upon; a high stoned wall with the Spine river flowing behind and the castle in front. He sat on the right side to me and whenever I could, I'd steal glances at him. Surely, he was an angel; for me atleast.

"Yeah!" I quickly answered. I manged to finally make him understand that I didn't live in the kingdom.

"Where do you live then?" He asked after much of consideration. I got all nervous again. Elizabeth has repeatedly told me to not give away the whereabouts of our small cottage to strangers. But is he a stranger? Yes he was, I still didn't know anything about him whereas I was going on telling him the lot about me. Should I tell him the truth about my home? Probably no was the best answer. But then I realized that my spilling-the-truth problem was not only with Elizabeth but also with him. I slowly turned around to face the forest that stood behind the river and I pointed to a random spot.

"That is where I live.... " I said to him as he turned around to look at the spot. I could clearly tell he was a bit amazed at what I just told him. What I wanted to explain to him would simply mean 'I live in the forests'. That seemed crazy for me and for anyone. He laughed. I laughed along with him, but feeling a little pissed.

"You are serious? Or have my collision knocked out sense from you?" He laughed. Frankly speaking, he looked real cute when he laughed his heart out. He was probably the first man I have ever seen in my life. And he was unbelievably handsome.

"I m serious!" I told him, "I live there, in between the forest!" I argued for the truth. He laughed again.

"Ok ok!" He surrendered, putting his hands up, his palm facing me. I smiled. Then he thrust his palm forward so as to shake and said, "I m Christopher. Christopher Johnson. You can call me Chris too." He smiled. I smile back and shook his hand.

"Sarah" I told him my name, "Sarah Rose. And I don't have a shortened name sorry." I teased and laughed. He laughed again. Then, there was silence again. He stared at a distance while I stared at the waving red flag at the top of the castle. I was lost in my own world them; thinking of what it would be like to live in that castle, what would it be like to be a royal heir. I was completely lost. Maybe Christopher noticed it, because next thing he asked me was like a dream come true.

"Do you want to go inside the castle?" He dropped the bomb. I turned around abruptly to gaze at him. He left me dumbstruck.

Do I want to go inside the castle? Of course! My head was screaming in joy. I never in a hundred years thought that I'd be lucky enough to get this opportunity. I shook my head.

"You are kidding, aren't you?" I asked him, my eyes wide in shock and excitement.

"Do I look like I m kidding?" He stated. Surely, he looked serious.


"Do you want to?" He cut me halfway. I thought for a moment. It was still daylight. Elizabeth said she wouldn't return until late evening. There was time. Plenty of time. And I could not squander an oppurtunity like this, would I? After all, I have come this far for the castle only.

Gosh! Goodness me! This is so fantastic!

"Yes! Sure! I'd love to!" I exclaimed my joy to him. He grinned. I grinned too.

"Let's go then!" He jumped down to the ground from the wall. Then he helped me get down too. He brought fort his hand and signalled me to put my hand in his. I did so. He tightened his grip on my hand. Again, we held each other tight and slowly walked on the bridge to the castle. My soul was jumping at the thought of finally watching the castle from inside.

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