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"Sarah!" Elizabeth called.

With a slight jump, I followed the sound. I came out of the room and my eyes lay upon little Elizabeth perched at the door, carrying packages I didn't recognize.

"Sarah, I have to go to the nearby city to bring some items. I won't return until evening. You may do whatever you want but just remember what I told you, do not dare visit the doors of that kingdom!" With these words, Elizabeth walked out of the cottage.

I stood there in front of the door for a few minutes, still like a stick; swallowing every word Eliza had said. My eyes bored into Eliza's small back as she walked away. I couldn't believe my work had just got easier. No doubt Eliza had ordered me strictly to stay away from the kingdom, but how could I when my desires were so strong? Not only Eliza had gone out to bring some goods but she had also made a very big task smaller for me.

With a wide grin stretched across my mouth, I closed the door and hurriedly went inside to get ready for the big adventure!


Time passed by in a slow motion. The day-light refused to turn into darkness. But it was rather the best thing for me.If the day went slow, I would have more time to spend in the kingdom. I was so excited that even God was with me on this. I hummed a sweet song all to myself as I collected things to take on with me.

I quickly changed from my black gown into an old piece of long blue dress, and attached a brown cloak behind. I put on my favorite black boots and packed a bag with various essential things. Inside the bag, I threw in a jute rope, some tools for self-defense and a few things to eat; especially water. I also tossed in a pair of gloves and another pair of clothing, in case the one I was wearing got dirty and so that I don't have to explain to Eliza everything. Then I neatly combed my hair into a braid.

Before setting out into the open, I touched my large sapphire pendant, closed my eyes and prayed. I did this every time I took a big step, or a big decision. This time, it was surely bigger than any decision I had previously taken. I was a little frightened. Who wouldn't be, when one was going to set foot into a prohibited kingdom? Well, everyone. And so was I.

Opening the cottage's door, I looked up at the enormous castle. I felt a strange feeling, as if the castle was waiting for my arrival. The disgusted look of it made my stomach churn; yet again. But I gathered up all my courage and set out for my big adventure!


Passing through the small thick forest was itself another adventure for me. I had already lost so much of my enerenergy that I wanted to turn my back and go rest in the cozy bed of mine. But Elizabeth's words kept me moving on the path.

I kicked at the dirt, tossed at the branches and followed the trail of an animal; probably a deer. I fell down numerous times, I got a few wounds too, but I walked and walked. At that time, I was glad I had bought another pair of clothing because I was a few steps away from being dirty.

My extra long journey to the kingdom gave me an assortment of thoughts. The fact that I had used magic still swirled around my mind; bugging me at every step. But it was no time to think of all these. Instead, I shrugged off my thoughts to that of what Elizabeth had explained to me about the curse of the castle and other things.

"Because that kingdom is cursed!" Elizabeth had shouted at me, "I want you safe Sarah! Don't risk your life! You are too precious for that!" she said.

But what did she mean by this? Why does she wants me so safe all of a sudden? Why shouldn't I risk my life? And how was I suddenly precious?

Millions of thoughts crossed my mind as I carefully walked across the forest; holding the skirt of my dress up. As I jumbled up all my thoughts and curiosities, llittle did I realize that I was just a step away from the kingdom; that same kingdom that gave me peculiar feelings, the kingdom that made me feel something special, the kingdom whose dirty looks made my stomackmh churn and the same weird kingdom for which I was breaking Elizabeth's permission. And now, picturing the actual kingdom of Spine was completely fascinating me. As I stood in front of the large gates, I suddenly didn't want to enter it anymore.

All my excitement was gone. The gate was a little tattered at the edges, but it was in a good condition. Royal designs were carved at both the sides, with curves that ended in a circle like thing resembling a name on either side; King Philippe Margaret Renee Dê Johnson in the right and Queen Marrylene Margaret Renee Dê Johnson in the left.

So, these were the King and Queen Eliza was talking about.

At the top was carved in golden letters 'To the Castle of Good Deeds, Welcome' and everything to the left and right was designed in brown curves. The entire gate was shimmering in gold, with shades of brown here and there. Totally, it was bound with royalty.

But that same royalty did not exist inside the gate. There were no guards. Everything on the entrance was isolated. But with curiosity, I walked further.

The inside was grey and dark. People looked like walking corpses. Women wore black long dresses with holes here and there. Their heads were covered with a brown silk cloth. Men wore suits, which too were tattered. They were mainly brown or of deep grey. Nothing added color to the kingdom. There was darkness everywhere.

Elizabeth was right! I gasped.

I held my breath when I finally saw the enormous castle just in front of my own eyes. I was scared; scared because I felt nervous and nauseated and excited all at once. But despite that, I walked in towards the gates of the castle, in tow, just like a princess.

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