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The boy was in pain.

When he died, killed by his own sister, blood caked his body, wounded him in all possible ways. He couldn't breath. He couldn't move. All he heard was the cries of his loathed sister before closing his eyes forever.

Just when he thought his end had come, the Dark Shade gave him a new life. He brought the boy back to life, from death. Now, both were the same.

"I can't believe you let her escape! This time when she was so close!" The Shade bellowed, making the boy shiver.

"I'm sorry," was all the boy could say. He was covered with dried blood.

"Sorry is not going to bring her here!" The Shade cried, "I wanted her dead!"

"But she is powerful, master, she is. Time has made her strong." The boy replied.

"How dare you say that!" The Dark Shade turned around. The dark, broken face sent thousand volts along the boy's body. He trembled as if it were snowing outside.

Tears fell down from the boys eyes, "I'm saying the truth. She has!"

"No!" The Lord took out his sword from its hilt and pointed it to the boy.

"No! Please, no!" The boy cried out in defence. He fell down on the floor. "Please do not kill me!"

The Shade chuckled a devilish chuckle, "Oh, how can I? You are already dead."

This bought horror to the boy. His face was expressionless. He felt a void in his heart; a heart which he was not sure was there.

"No! I can - can not be!" He cried.

"Believe it or not. I'm not wasting my time on you! Ijust want that girl!"

"Please," the boy whined.

The Lord leaned down such that his face was just inches away from that of the boy's. "Listen to me," he hissed, "that girl, your stupid, little sister, is strong. She will get stronger. She has to be controlled. Or our dreams of ruling Spine will be trashed!"

The boy nodded, "But how can we?"

The Dark Lord replied with on word; a word that was way too strong.

"Fear," he whispered.

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