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My scalp prickled with tension as I blankly stared at my hand hung in mid-air. The haloing opaque shield of dust and gas started to retreat, slowly. As it got transparent enough to look through, the small, fragile body of Elizabeth slumped onto the floor like a sack was visible. Her small eyes were closed but mine were wide open. Oh no! What have I done?

I stared at my trembling hands, realising that my entire body, from head to toe, was shivering too; in fright and guilt. What have I done? Why? Holding back tears, I took long strides and knelt down beside Elizabeth's body. She was pale, and numb. The luckiest part was that Eliza was not badly hurt, just wounded and knocvked out. The wall behindher had a big hole in it, not that it mattered. Taking Eliza's head, I put her safely on my lap. Without the power to hold back any more tears, they formed their way out, drop by drop, later flowing out like a running stream. Oh dear, Eliza!

"Eliza! Wake up!" I sobbed, rubbing the dirt off her cheeks and pulling back the hair strands from her face. No, she didn't wake. I shook her and waited. But her body refused to make any movement. Only her chest heaved up and down, an assurement that she was alive and breathing.

"Eliza, no! Wake up please!" I cried, my eyes hazy and extremely blurred. No matter how much bad I thought or said about her; no matter how much I wanted her to give me distance and hated for not allowing me freedom, I never wanted her to give me this much space. She couldn't die; I wouldn't be able to live without her. No, I wanted her back, next to me and scold me.

"Eliza! God, no! Please wake up! Please. . ." I leaned down so that my forehead toucvhed her's. It was freezing cold. "Wake up Elizabeth! Please. . ." I cried, "please wake up!" No, this wasn't happening. What have I done? I have used some sort of magic to throw Eliza to the ground, all unconscious. Magic, I used magic and it was not lightning, no doubt. But how? Why? Magic? Oh no! Whatever was happening, it was absolutely not good.

"No!" I screamed and shouted and shook her body, but no, there was no way she would show some movement. Then it hit me, like a lightning. I regained my memory on contact with warm water. Warm water! I gasped. Putting her down on the floor carefully, I stood up and walked up to the sink. Filling a glass with water, I impatiently waited for it to get warm as I set it over the piece of hot coals on the kitchen over which Eliza was probably cooking. Once the water was warm, I carried the glass over to Eliza, and kneeling down, I sprinkled water on her face. Her eyes flickered after a moment. Yes! I sprinkled some water again. This time, she moved her fingers and her eyes slowly opened. I set back the glass of water on the floor and waited. Elizabeth groaned as she tried to move. Oh dear, she was alright.

"Arghh!!" She groaned again as she tried to sit up. I helped her to do so. I smiled broadly as some more tears pricked my eyes. Unable to retain my excitement and relief, I jumped up and quickly embraced Eliza in a hug. She flinched, and I knew it surprised her as much as it did to me. I couldn't tell how much happy I was to have her back. My tension and fear was away in a second.

"Oh! Eliza, I m so sorry," I cried into her shoulder. I could feel a smile on Eliza's face as she breathed and sighed.

"I m so sorry, I really am!" I cried again, another amount of salty tears gushing out. Eliza ran her hand through my hair; her hand a console to my aching heart.

"It's alright, Sarah, everything is alright. It wasn't your fault anyways," her words came out croaky, probably from the blow. Slowly, I pulled back and she wiped away my tears. She placed her hands on my shoulders and looked down at me, with a smile. "You have grown, my sweet angel!" I flushed. Eliza had never ever called me by nick names. But her smile held secrets, and I knew it. Her smile was sad, like something she didn't want to tell me. Whatever it was, I knew I had to know. And also, there was this mystery behind 'magic'.

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